Chapter 11

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The lights were dim except for the rainbow light bulbs that were hung along the wall. Their colors bounced off the faces around me and even my own. Music was playing from a speaker shaking the walls of the small four-bedroom apartment. People were crammed together in the kitchen and the small living room. Some were pushing through the crowd making way towards the Busch and jungle juice. Classic college drinks.

A white table was stretched in the kitchen where a square wooden table used to reside. It was covered in black sharpie names and comments. Comments like "Nate eats his mom" and "Your mom's a hoe" made me shake my head in disgust. Boys.

A crowd was gathered around the table playing a famous drinking game, stack cup. A collection of cups filled with beer surrounded the "bitch cup" which was the losers drink. A buffy older guy, who definitely had too much to drink, was yelling at the girl next to him to "drink". He had bounced his ping pong ball into his cup before the girl next to him was able to bounce hers in. He had stacked his cup onto hers making her drink a surrounding beer cup.

It was an intense game with people shouting and yelling. Ping pong balls flew everywhere due to the drunk madness at the table. I stood from afar watching the interaction. There were about three beer cups left and the "bitch cup" which made the table on edge. Nobody wanted the bitch cup. It was filled with about three shots of tequila and raspberry lemonade. Not my cup of tea if I say so myself.

The cups were being passed around with the ping pong balls trying to get the person next to them to drink the final cups. Tris, of course had to be the one to lose the whole game. Her not even drunk ass bounced the ping pong ball into a beer cup making it an automatic loss. Shouts and hollers screamed among the wall along with loud "ohhhhhs".

Tris drank the "bitch cup" chugging down the awful mixture. Luckily, Tris didn't have much to drink before playing, so it didn't totally screw her over.

I stood up against the wall watching the people around me. Tris eventually came over to me as another crowd set up for another round of stack cup. The shouts died down a little until someone announced the commencement of shot-gunning. The hollers and screams started back up again making my head spin with pain. My head still ached from the fire incident and the loudness of the room seemed to trigger an immense headache.

"You good, party girl?" Tris slurred her words.

"Yeah," I replied. "You want some water?" I asked.

She nodded. I pushed myself away from the wall pushing myself through drunk bodies. Their bodies smelt of alcohol and sweat. Had I been drunk, I wouldn't have minded, but I wasn't. I was completely aware of my surroundings and everything seemed to set me on edge.

I wanted to drink, don't get me wrong, but I was afraid. I didn't know half these guys in here and most of them would take any chance on bringing a drunk girl home with them. I wasn't going to take that chance. I knew that once I started to "drink drink", I wouldn't be able to control myself. Tris was about to be too far gone to watch for me which means I needed to watch for her.

I grabbed a red solo cup sitting on the counter next to the cases of Busch. I could feel it's cold-bitter taste in my throat. I gagged from the remembrance of its awful texture. I placed the cup under the running faucet. The water weighed the cup down smacking the bottom of the cup. Drops sprayed from the waterfall's force of impact onto my hand and arm.

Walking back towards Tris I noticed someone that sent pain shooting through my heart. There standing in the corner making out to a young blonde chick was Ryan. He stood in the darkness with a small blue light shining on his side-cut dark-brown hair. Before the crash, about two days before it actually, Ryan had broken up with me. It still hurt, even now. I was angry, sad, happy, confused, and grateful all at the same time.

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