Chapter 9

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I'm not going to let him scare me. I'm tired of being scared. "What do you want Liam," I asked. My voice was harsh, and my eyes narrowed.

He smiled sadistically, "You." He got closer to me letting his mouth press up against my lips. My heart beat pulsed out of my chest. I bit my lip trying not to squeal with fear. Be brave Ray. Don't give in. Stand up to yourself for once. Don't back down.

I felt my chest rise and fall to the thoughts swirling within my mind. I felt my breathing calm. Well, more likely, I was holding my breathing trying to make me feel strong. Fake it til you make it. Am I right?

He brushed his lips against my ear, "I let you slide the last time you messed with me. That's not happening this time."

He backed away letting his eyes scowl over my frightened body. My left hand tightened into a fist feeling his threat rise through my body. Be cautious. Avoid fighting as much as possible. You're already hurt and down to one arm. He's got a full advantage. He's bigger, stronger, and fully capable of beating the crap out of you. If he swings, take the hit. Don't fight back until you need to. Outlast him. When he thinks you're down, take the swing. Let him be vulnerable. Let him think he won.

He opened up his arms letting his chest become vulnerable. "Take the shot," he challenged. I stood firm to my plan. I shook my head in response.

"Ray..." Tris cautioned. "He's going to destroy you."

"I know," I whispered back.

My eyes were trained on Liam. His eyes debated were to strike. I watched him move swiftly. My left arm came up towards my face. I ducked behind it protecting my face. I felt his fist smash up against my arm and then the left side of my face.

Ow. That hurt – a lot. My blood pumped fiercely through my body sending a wave of energy. It was like I was struck with lightning that seemed to pulse through my bones. I felt alive.

Liam took another hit towards my stomach that made me howl in pain. I curled up along the cement ground. I heard people shouting my name from afar. I couldn't tell if they were screams of encouragement or fear.

Liam stood over my body with triumph. His arms were down by his side and his face shone with satisfaction. He's vulnerable. I felt my right leg kick up from the ground stretching out towards his body. I smacked him where every man bends down in pain. His holler of pain sent an urge of satisfaction run through my body.

When he was bending over towards his pain, I felt my leg kick up towards his head. It smacked him hard against his right temple. His head snapped to the side from the impact. A loud ooof could be heard from the crowd.

The ultimate team had gathered around me protecting me now from Liam. Behind the mass herd of bodies, I could see Liam holding onto his head. His eyes darted towards the crowd searching for me. My team, like knights in shining armor, saved my ass.

"Leave," Danny ordered. "Don't let me see you back here. Don't even think about talking to Rayla again or there will be a problem."

Liam stood up straight facing the crowd in front of him. "You can't tell me what to do," he replied spitting onto the ground.

Danny took a step forward, "You're a little outnumbered. I'd be cautious what you say."

Liam smiled, "For now." His frat boy friends stood behind him. They were ready for a fight.

"Leave!" Danny screamed.

"This isn't over Rayla," Liam shouted, "Mess with me and you get the bullet. He turned to walk away. His frat boys following closely behind him. "We'll be back." I watched through my team's protective bodies as Liam sped off in his classy rich ass car. What a jerk.

Danny turned to me, "You ok?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I think so."

"You put up a good fight. I'm impressed," he said. I smiled into his glistening golden-brown eyes. He was a true friend.

People hugged me and said their goodbyes. Some gave me future broken promises about beating Liam's ass and some gave me the "text me if you need anything" talk. This was my family. I didn't understand why it took me so long to see that. They were there for me from the start. I just never asked for help. They couldn't help before, well, because they didn't know. I get that now. They help with what they see and understand. They can't do that unless its in front of them.

I felt the surge of energy start to die down and the pain seemed to take its place. Liam was out to hurt me. I just don't get what his problem is with me. He's always messing with me and when I fight back, he makes it a point to hurt me even more. I fought back. I stood up to myself. Yet, I'm hurt more then I ever was by him.

I guess it was my fault for taking the next step. I threw the first punch when he didn't move his car. All he said were words before then. After that punch, his words got harsher and it got more frequent. I was tired of it. That's when I resulted to physical abuse, because I couldn't use words to hurt me. That's what set him off. I couldn't blame him for coming after me. It was partially my fault for adding fuel to an already burning fire. I admit that.

"He's going to come after you," Tris said. I nodded in agreement. I tried to move, but my stomach cried in pain from his punch.

"Do you want a ride home?" Danny asked.

I nodded grasping my stomach, "Yeah, that would be great if you could."

He went off running grabbing his car keys from his pocket, "Stay here. I'll go grab the car and pull it around for you."

"Do you think he's mad?" I asked Tris.

"Heck yeah, you made a fool out of him," Tris laughed.

"No, I meant Danny," I sighed.

Tris stood in confusion. "Why do you think he would be mad?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. I guess it's the fact that I practically fueled a war between us and Liam's frat. Anyone could be a target now."

Tris took my left hand holding it in her own. She stared into my eyes grasping down on my hand, "We are family Ray. We protect each other. That's what we do. Liam came after you not the other way around. Danny can only be mad at the person who hurt you and that's Liam."

"I started it though," I whispered. I looked down to the ground in shame. I put everyone in danger now. He might go after Danny next or even Tris. It's my fault if anyone gets hurt.

"Rayla Jackson. You stood up to yourself. You did nothing wrong but protect yourself," Tris argued.

Danny swung around with his red Ford Escape. "Hop in," he smiled. I slid into the back with Tris letting the passenger seat remain empty. "Ya'll gonna leave me up here by myself?"

"Yup," Tris replied, "Now drive."

"Wow, so forceful," he laughed. I looked out the window gripping the pain in my stomach. I watched the clouds move swiftly through the sky. Danny looked up into his rearview mirror, "Ray?"

"Yeah?" I asked swiveling my head towards him.

His eyes pleaded with a response, "You sure you're okay?"

I nodded solemnly knowing that I was far from okay. "Yeah," I smiled back. It was my normal fake smile that hid my sorrowful life and pain.

I felt my phone vibrate in my bag. I grabbed it staring at Mr. Stoke's number. What could he want? Danny and Tris both looked at me with interest. I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ray," he began. His voice was cracking, and he seemed to be upset. I felt butterflies start to form in my stomach. "Diana is dead." 


Sorry this chapter came a little late! I been extremely busy and haven't had much time to get to it. Hope ya'll liked it even though it was a bit short! Next chapter will be up soon. 

Remember to like, comment, and follow :) 

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