Chapter 27

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My head throbbed with a pulsing pain and there was an aching in my neck that sent a stabbing pain with slight movement. When the dizziness started to subside, I started to recollect memories from last night. There was a surge of fear that engulfed my body and raging questions that developed. Where was I? What happened to me? Did Darren know I was missing? Where they even looking for me?

I looked around staring into a darkness. There was enough light seeping through the wooden floorboards above me to make out my surroundings. I was seated on a small cot that practically took two thirds of the room up, if you even want to call it a room. It was like being stuck in a cubicle, but slightly bigger. It was a good thing I wasn't claustrophobic otherwise I probably would have gone mentally insane by this point.

The room felt short of air and I could feel a cold draft brushing up against my skin. It was a square of stone walls that were wet to the touch like that in a cave. There was a metal-steel gate blocking the entrance that looked to be firmly shut by a key lock. It was one of those ancient, black rusting gates that had arrow like décor on the top with swirls that looked like S's on the bottom and top of the gate. It made it look like a flower vine. This one, however, had barb wire wrapped through the gate making it possible, but painful as hell to reach the lock from my side of the gate.

I got off the cot and pushed against the steel gate that squeaked and shook with my force but wouldn't budge. A small part of the wire cut up against the back side of my wrist striking blood. I backed away out of impulse making a slight cry that sounded like an "ah". While backing away, the wire cut all the way across. I grabbed hold of my wrist looking at the blood flowing out of my wound. It dripped slowly onto the stone floor below me slowly making a small, but noticeable, pool of blood. Just great, I thought.

I grabbed the sheet of the cot to bandage the cut and to stop the flow of blood. The once white material was now soaked into a bright, dirt red. At this point, the cut was the least of my worries. I was still trapped inside the cubicle with what looked like no escape. I couldn't even push the stupid gate without getting cut by the wire. Whoever put me here made sure I wasn't getting out.

There was also another problem. I couldn't get my powers to come on. I wassss trying to burn this place to a crisp or at least tumble water bullets into the gate, but there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Of course, whenever I needed them to work, they don't. I know I had control issues, but this was ridiculous.

I smacked and kicked the stone wall with my hands and feet out of frustration. "Just work damnit!" I kept opening my hands expecting something to come out, but nothing ever did. I tried closing my eyes trying to find "the switch", but all I got was darkness and the wonderful feeling of failure.

I stumbled back into the cot with defeat hanging onto my shoulders. I briefly closed my eyes with anguish beating into my mind. Failure. Good for nothing piece of crap. You can't do anything right, so why do you even both trying.

I don't remember how long I was asleep for but jolted awake when I heard the screech of a door. It came from across the room where there was a six-step staircase leading to a wooden door. The door closed before I could see who it was, but they had left a bottle of water and a McDonalds cheeseburger inside the gate next to my cot. I hadn't realized this before but there was a small six-inch by six-inch door that was on the bottom left of the gate.

I was a little skeptical of the food, because I wasn't quite sure if they were just trying to kill me or not. Poisoning would be fast and efficient plus there's no mess but my dead body. After my stomach growled for ten minutes every time I glanced over at the cheeseburger, I figured if they wanted to kill me, they would have done it by now.

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