Chapter 33

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"Elijah!" I screamed scrambling through the hallways of the house. I couldn't seem to find him in any of his usual places.

I started a sprint up the stairs, skipping over a step at each lunge. "Elijah!" I hollered again.

Ava opened the door from her room, anger beaming in her eyes. "Can you at least try not to annoy everyone in this house?"

"Where is he?" I panted ignoring her distasteful comment.

She crossed her arms, "Who?"

Hot damn, she was annoying. "Elijah!" Like come on, there was no way she didn't hear me screaming his name.

"Can't say I've seen him," she replied.

"Ava, please, do you know where he's at? This is important," I pleaded.

She stared at me questionably, her eyes narrowed and spiteful. "Ava," Maya pleaded from behind me, "Where is he?" I didn't even know she followed me.

Ava sighed, agitation in her voice, "Last I saw him, he was in Darren's room."

"Thank you," I declared starting to run back down the stairs. Maya was tight on my heels. I heard Ava slam her door shut when we got to the bottom. I could feel it shake the walls of the house. What an ass.

I looked behind me at Maya as I sprinted down the hallway. When I turned back around, I slammed into Carter barreling into him. I made a small scream as we tumbled to the ground. "Sorry, sorry," I flustered, "I didn't mean.." I tried to get off him, but I was caught in his smile that sent me speechless. The way he smiled at me, it was just something about it. He made me feel like the only thing that mattered, like I was worth something. I have always felt useless like I was just some trash in the gutter, but Carter made me feel different. I felt like a star shining with extravagant rays that I couldn't douse.

I blushed realizing that I had been staring for too long, "Sorry." I pushed myself off him and rose to a standing position. Through habit and embarrassment, I patted my jeans spraying dirt or dust particles into the air.

He stood up, facing me. His smile faded when he noticed Maya behind me. "Where are you off to in such a rush?"

"Trying to find Elijah," I replied.

"Oh," he said somewhat surprised.

"What's the matter?" I asked concerned.

He smirked, "Thought you were looking for me considering how excited you were to see me."

I laughed, blushing once again. My eyes fell to the ground unable to stare into his eyes without feeling a surge of energy run through me.

"Have you seen him?" Maya asked breaking the silence between us.

He looked to her, his smile fading. "He's in Darren's room," he cocked his head down the hallway glancing to where his room was.

"Thanks," she whispered. She passed me giving me a suspicious look. I didn't know what she meant from that look, but I knew it wasn't anything good. It made me think. My heart was radiating for Carter, but subconsciously I couldn't stop thinking about Darren. That is never a good place to be in stuck between a reality and a surging feeling.

People will always tell you to "follow your heart", but when your forced to make the decision between your emotion and the reality of your subconscious, it's difficult. Adrenaline makes you act on an impulse. My feelings were telling me something different than what my subconscious was telling me. My subconscious told me this wasn't right. I shouldn't be leading him on knowingly I was in a relationship with Darren, whom I did love. Having feelings for Carter makes me feel like I betrayed the man I chose which is wrong according to my heart and my morals. Yet, my emotions were telling me that I loved Carter and I wanted to be with him. I didn't know what to do when I was torn between two men that I loved almost equally.

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