Chapter 10

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"What?" I heard my mouth stutter. I felt my stomach tighten and my chest constrained the air passing through my body. I was suffocating from the overwhelming pain. My heart broke, once again, taking off a large chunk of my already broken heart. The rocks inside me seemed to weigh me down. I was drowning.

Mr. Stoke's replied, but all I heard were muffled words. I looked out towards the window. The pain paralyzed my body. I couldn't move, I couldn't cry, and I couldn't talk. All I could do was stare at the passing vehicles and buildings. Why must I always be the one to get hurt? Why me?

I felt the air circulate through my body as I finally breathed. That's when I felt the tears streak down my cheek. My chest wheezed from constriction and pain. The phone limped in my hand as Mr. Stoke hung up on the other end. My body trembled with the overwhelming emotion that swept over my body.

"Ray? You okay? What happened?" Tris put her arms around me. She slightly wiped away my tears with her sweatshirt that streamed down my face.

My chest wheezed and I sniffled from the tears. "Diana's dead," I said between my fighting tears. The realness washed over me. This wasn't a dream. This wasn't a nightmare. It was real. The pain was real.

Every night when I close my eyes, I wake up with panting breaths trying to recover from the pain of my dreams. Dreams from my parents drowning me, the crash, the man who killed my parents, and monsters chasing after me. It seemed like whatever I did, pain and death followed after me. It wouldn't leave me be. It kept attacking and striking me. There was no stopping it.

"I'm sorry," Tris soothed. Her arms were around my body bringing me warmth. Yet, the pain inside me was too much to bare. I just wanted to be free from it. It was too much. I let out a cry relieving some of that pain that swelled inside me.

The pain stood inside me when we rolled up to my apartment complex. My tears had started to subside, but the pain hurt more than ever. I looked up towards the apartments; a place filled with life, dreams and hopes. All I could hear were the pains and the screams.

"Do you want us to walk you up?" Danny asked.

I shook my head. I just wanted to be alone. "No, that's okay," I responded softly.

He seemed unsatisfied. "You sure?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure." I opened the door grabbing my bag. My feet slapped onto the pavement below me. I felt off like I was trapped in a dream and I couldn't wake up. It was if I was under the influence, dizzy and in a trance. This wasn't the good influence either. I wasn't happy and the pain didn't go away. I felt almost dead, except for the pain. All I felt was the pain.

I walked around the front of the car dragging my feet along the pavement. The car was now behind me and the ascent up the staircase gloomed over me.

"Are you still coming tonight?" Tris called behind me.

"Tris!" Danny scorned.

"What?" she replied.

"She just lost someone, and you're worried about your party?"

I felt the tension in her voice, "I was just asking."

I turned back around facing Tris staring out the opened window. I have nothing else, so I might as well. "I'll be there. I promised."

A smile crossed over her face, "Yay, I'll see you there." The window rolled up as I turned my back to the car.

I ascended the stairs as Danny called behind me. "Text me if you need anything," he called.

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