Chapter 1

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Forever Never

Chapter 1


I was walking quickly down the halls, in search for my next class. It was the first day of school, which was year 11 of Highschool.

I looked down for a moment to look at my scedule.

My dark brown, wavy hair was bouncing as I speed walked down Hall B of our school.


I bumped into someone, which caused my books to fall onto the floor.

"Dammit! I am so sorry!" A voice said.

"You should really watch where your--" I stopped.

I looked up to see two sparkling green eyes looking at me, in embarassment.

He was quite cute. With his curls, and his beautiful green eyes. 

"Oh, Its no problem. Really." I said, ignoring the fact I was about to tell him to watch where he was going.

"Here," He said as he helped me picked up my books and papers off the floor. "Where are you headed to?" He asked me.

"Umm," I looked at my schedule. "Life Science." I told him. I was most likely blushing. He was so cute, and seemed pretty confident. Then here I was. I seemed like a clumsy fool.

"Me too! We can walk there." He said with a big smile on his face.

He lightly set his hand on my back for about 2 seconds, guiding me to the class.

"So are you planning on coming to the party this weekend?" Harry asked me.

"Party? I wasn't invited." I told him.

"Yes you were! Everyone was! Did you not see the fliers on the board this morning?" He asked.

"Oh, nope! I didn't check." I told him.

"Well, here." He said reaching into his book bag, grabbing a neon green, piece of paper.

He handed it to me.

"Its at my place on Saturday at 7pm. Its going until 3am, which is pretty late, but you can leave whenever." He told me.

"Sounds good! I'll probally be there!" I said with a smile as I packed it into my backpack.

We arrived at the classroom, where there was a name written on the whiteboard.

'Ms. Jensaw.' The words in blue marker said.

I walked towards the back of the class, cutting gentally infront of Harry. I took a seat which was at a desk alone.

Harry looked at me a little awkward then smiled. He walked back towards me.

"You know anyone here?" He asked as he set his stuff down by me.

I wouldn't say I was a loner type, who had no friends, or anything. I just wasn't the friend-making type, i guess.

This was my first year at this school, in Holmes Chapel, since I moved from Canada.

"No, This is actually my first year here, so I know absolutly nobody." I said.

"Well, now you know me." He said.

"My name is Harry by the way." He told me.

"I'm Kristen." I said as I smiled.

"We should deffidentally hang out some time." Harry said, as he smiled a little more.

"Sounds cool. You could show me around Holmes Chapel, a bit. If thats not being pushy." I said and laughed a little. Harry also laughed a little.

"Sounds like a plan." He smiled.

The teacher walked in.

She was a lady about 35ish who had dirty blonde hair, with beaming brown eyes, and light, pale skin.

"Alright class, I am Ms. Jensaw." She said with her light English accent.

"This is gonna be a while." Harry whispered to me, smiling.


Hope you guys like it so far, its not much, yet, but believe me, It will be ;D

Love you guys!!! check out for up to date 1D daily updates! :) love you guys, and enjoy the rest of the book! :)

Forever Never (Harry Styles/Zayn Malik Fan-Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora