Chapter 17

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 Forever Never

Chapter 17


I woke up. I got ready for school, then left my house.

I walked through the school doors, then walked straight to my locker. Harry walked up behind me, and put his hand on my back.

"Kris?" He started. "Are you mad at me?" He asked.

I turned around and hugged him. I sighed.

"No. I just wanted you guys to stop fighting. Thats all." I said.

"I'm sorry about everything, Kris." Harry said.

"Its not your fault, Harry. Nothing is. I'm just fed up with all this. Its just too much going on right now, Harry.." I said.

Harry pushed me against the lockers, gentally, then closed the gap between us. His lips touched mine. We stood there kissing.

I pulled away, finally. "Enough, Harry." I smiled a little.

Harry grabbed my hand and walked me to my first class. He kissed me gentally on the lips. I guess we were kind of back together. Maybe? 

I walked in and sat down next to Max.

"Wait! Kris, are you and Harry back together?" Max asked me in suprise.

I shrugged. "I think?" I said.  

Max looked at me in shock. "Your seriously going to trust him again?" 

I shrugged.


I began walking to my next class. I got in the room and sat down with Harry.

"Harry, can I trust you?" I asked him.

Harry leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. He nodded. "I promise" He smiled. I looked around the classroom, and found Kate, watching us in jealousy. 

Class began quickly.


I walked to my next class. I walked in. Zayn. He looked towards me, but quickly looked down. I walked to the back of the class and sat at a desk by myself. Zayn seemed pissed off at me. Obviously from last night. I didn't care. I was pissed off at him too. 

Zayn glances back at me for a moment, then looked down at his paper.

When class ended, I walked out, begging no one would stop me. Especially, Zayn. I couldn't believe what had happened last night. I lost him. As a friend, and more. I shouldn't have invited them to the park. It ruined everything. I should've just stayed out of it. I should've let them fight. It would've been so much better than now. I can garuntee it.

I got to my locker and was stopped. Who now? I turned around. My eyes met his, as I felt my stomach drop 10,000 feet. Well, thats what it felt like. I tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed my hand. Zayn was now standing infront of me.

"Kris, I'm sorry but I lost it last night. Harry is taking advantage of you, though! Why don't you get that hes wrong?" Zayn asked me.

"I don't care how wrong he is, Zayn! If I wern't there, you probally would've beaten the shit out of him. He's always going to be something I can never forget no matter what happens! Why dont you just get that?!" I asked him.

"And whats so special about him?" He asked.

I thought about it. Should I tell him Harry took my virginity? He is the only person in the world who could make me so happy, even when they break your heart? Is that what Zayn deserved to hear from me now? 

I swallowed. "You won't get it." Is all I said.

"Kris, stop. Please? I just want things to go back to normal. You can date Harry or whatever, just don't hate me. I can't stand this. I miss you though." Zayn said. 

I felt a warm feeling in my stomach. No one has ever really told me that they missed me. Especially the way Zayn told me. He meant it. I pulled him into a hug, and we stood there hugging for about 5 minutes. I was holding back tears that would've bursted out if I were alone. Then we were interruped.

"Kris?" I heard Harry say.

I pulled away from Zayn. I made my way towards Harry and hugged him. After I pulled away from him, and looked at Zayn. I could tell he wanted to hurt him. Or something like that. I looked at him sternly, and I saw him loosen up a bit.

"Need a ride?" Harry asked as he gentally, and quickly.

l looked at Zayn. 

"I got to go." He said, sounding bummed out. I felt kind of bad. But I went with Harry.


Harry drove me back to my place. We pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car, as well as me.

Harry walked me up to the door. He really confuses me. One minute, hes my boyfriend, next minute, my worst ememy, then my friend, then a jerk, then my boyfriend again. I didn't get it? But, I didn't bring up that fact.

I unlocked the door, and set my stuff on the couch. 

"Thank you." I told Harry as I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

He just smiled at me, with a perverted look. 

"What are you thinking?" I asked, knowing he was thinking something perverted.

He took a second to snap out of it, then he smiled. "Nothing!" He said, quickly.

 I looked at him, not believing him. He pulled my hips into him then brushed his lips against mine. His hands held me, firm, but lovingly. I put my hand on his jawline, and played with the end of his curls. I broke the kiss, but he still held me.

I loved this feeling. I missed it.



Okay so this is the end of Chapter 17! And the end of this book for a while!! :O WHAT!? Yeah.. Sorry guys but I am really dying to write a Teen Fiction, lately. So, This book is ON HOLD! :d

Sooooooo.. :) I will get back to this later! :D I have no idea how I'm going to end this but it might be soon! :) Love you guys so much! :) <3 :D


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