Chapter 20

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Forever Never.

Chapter 20.

* Kris's outfit is on the side as a picture :)* If it doesn't show, Here is the link to the picture: just copy and paste it to your browser search bar.! :) <3

********IMPORTANT********THERE IS ONE MORE CHAPTER AFTER THIS THEN IT ENDS! ;O Sorry for such short notice guys! I loved writing this for you, and I am def. going to be writing another fan fiction soon! I'm unsure of what, but I am going to take a break of writing for just a little while (Like a couple of days possibly hours haha) and I am going to read a bunch of books and then add then to the Book Reviews book of mine!) Thank you so so SO much for reading! I love you all so much! ;) <3


I opened my eyes, and noticed Harry sleeping. Aw, he was so peaceful. I Tried to sit up but I noticed Harry's arms wrapped around my waist. He has me in a tight grip, but it was a position I never needed to move out of.

Harry opened his eyes slowly.

"Good morning beautiful." He said, before kissing me sweetly on the fore head.

"Morning." I smiled. I blushed a little, thinking about last night.

He had his arms wraped around my waist tightly, and our bodies were pressed against each others. I looked over at my alarm clock to check what time it was. We had an hour before class was going to start.

I got up, finally, and grabbed some clean clothing and a towel.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked me.

"To take a shower. We have class today!" I told him.

"Can I join you?!" He asked with a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes, and shut/locked the bathroom door. Harry must've went back to sleep because I didn't hear him move at all int he room.

I finished my shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, then applied my makeup.

I walked out of the bathroom and found Harry back to sleep. That boy sleeps way too much.

I sat on top of him. I must've startled him because his eyes were wide opened now. 

"So you want more?!" He gave me a cheeky smile.

"Shut up!" I laughed. "You need to get up!" I told him, leaning down to give him a quick peck on the lips.

He moaned and thew his head into the pilliow. "No!" He moaned.

"Pleeassseee?" I asked.

He moaned then sat up. "Fine." He said, kissing me quickly on the lips.

"Hurry up and get ready, curly." I smiled to him. "You have a half hour."

He went and threw on some trousers and a t shirt. He flipped his hair around a little, and threw on a beanie.

We headed out the door for school together. We both took his car, as he drove and I sat in the passenger seat.

When we got to school, I pulled my bookbag over my shoulder, and me and Harry went into the school together. He walked me to my locker, and waited for me to get my stuff out of it. I turned around with my books in my hands, and was trapped. He had on arm on each side of me.

"What do you want now?" I smiled.

"A kiss." He smiled back. 

I reached up and gave him a quick kiss. 

I looked at him, waiting for him to move his arms.

"More." He laughed. Oh my goodness. This boy doesn't get that we're at school.

"Harry... No. I have to get to class. So do you." I told him.

"Not until I get one more--" He suddenly flew to the side, releasing his hands away from me. I looked up and saw Zayn.

"Dude, just listen to her." He said, sassing at Harry a bit.

"Zayn! Why would you just push him when we were talking?!" I yelled, but not too loudly.

"I could hear you. You sounded like you needed him off of you." He started. "I'm so sorry I helped you." He said sarcastically.

"You are such an ass." I said to Zayn, not caring how rude I sounded when I said it.

I turned around to find Harry, and see is he was alright. But insead I find Kate all over him like shes something. I roll my eyes and decide to play back.

"Baby are you alright?" I asked harry clinging onto his arm. I reached up again, and this time, gave him what he was asking for earlier. I smacked my lips into his, pushing Kate off of him. I heard her gasp a little, then heard a few people 'OoOo' in the background.

I pulled away. "What was that for?!' Harry asked suprised. I smiled, then rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said wraping his arm around my waist.

We walked to my first class together and then I sat by Max, who looked like he had just gotten to class.

"You two seem much better now" Max said to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I saw you two trading siliva in the halls." He put it in the nastiest way possible.

I looked at him a little grossed out. "Good way to put it." I laughed.


I just waited for the schoold day to end. I was finishing putting my stuff into my locker, when Harry came up behind me and put his arms around me.

"Whatcha upto babe?" He asked.

I looked up at him and kissed him quickly. "Getting ready to go home" I said with 'duh' in my voice.

"Right" He said with obvious. 

He let go and came to my side. "Can I do something?" He asked. I looked at him a little oddly. He seemed in a very calm mood.

"All this crap we have gone through.." He started. I thought he was about to break up with me..


A/N: I know this chapter is a bit short! But the next chapter is the LAST CHAPTER :O ! I'm so sorry for such short notice! But I have to end it now! ;O If you read the A/N (important) at the top, you can see why! I have loved writing this for you guys! And i love you!!!! :D Thank you so much! <3

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