Chapter 15

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Forever Never.

Chapter 15


I started getting ready for school. Then, it crossed my mind.

What happens when I get to my second class with Harry?

I was screwed. I had no choice but to sit by him. Well, I kind of did. I always sat by him though. Everyone els had sat by someone as usual, so I doubted that they would want to move.

When it was time for me to leave, I slipped my backpack over my right shouldler, then grabbed my keys off the table in the entry way. I locked the door, and shut it behind me. I began to walk to school.


I got to school and walked in the front door. I kept my head down so Harry wouldn't see me. I didn't want to see him, and I didn't want him to see me.

I walked to my first class. Before I was completly in the door, I felt someone put their arm around me.

"Are you okay?" I head the voice say.

I looked up quickly, and saw Max.

"Yeah.." I said, hesitating it.

"I didn't know if I should've showed you the pictures. But I thought you had to know." He said. "I'm really sorry about it all."

"Its fine. Thank you, though." I said.

He walked me over to the desks and I sat by him.

Class started pretty quickly. It ended quickly, also.

I walked to my second class, but when I got there, almost everyone had been there. Including Harry.

He ran up to me and pulled me over towards his desk, where we had alway sat together.

"Just listen to me. Please." He whispered.

I just looked at him, and began to cry. "This is all your fault, Harry. Just leave me alone!" I said, whisper yelling.

I tried pulling away from him, but I couldn't get out of his grip.

"I promise. Kate means nothing to me! I love you, Kris! Just believe me." He said.

"Obviously, you love Kate, and she means something to you. If you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated on me. Twice." I said.

He looked down in guilt. "Kate--" He started. He stopped hoping I didn't hear him just call me Kate. But I did.

"Just leave me alone!" I said. I shifted my body, to face away from him.


Class ended and I quickly picked up my things and began walking out of the classroom. Harry was following me, trying to get my attention. I just ignored him, hoping he would get that I didn't care what he wanted to tell me. I wanted him to leave me alone.

Harry finally grabbed my hand and pulled me to the school garden.

He pulled my waist into him, close. I tried to pull away from him, but he had me in a grip that was too tight, to get out of.

"I'm going to be late for class!" I said, quietly.

"Just listen to me." He said. He was smiling. I had no idea why. He began leaning into me. He was trying to get a kiss. I jerked away, and got out of his hold.

"Don't try!" I yelled.

He looked at me.

I ran into the school hallway, and got to my class on time, where he couldn't bother me. Zayn walked over to me, and put his arm around my waist.

Forever Never (Harry Styles/Zayn Malik Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now