Chapter 7

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A/N: This is where things get a little spicy with Harry and Kris! ;) I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, but I will. MIGHT involve a little action (If ya know what I mean) ;D But, I'm still not for sure. So, dont hate me if I dont do that! :D Thank you so so much for reading! Your so amazing and my fans who read, I have one thing to say to you: I LOVE YOU <3 :)x

Forever Never

Chapter 7


The day passed and before I knew it, Harry was at my house to pick me up for the Festival.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Yep!" I said, as I grabbed my purse and walked out the door, closing it behind me. 

Harry took the drivers seat, and I took shotgun.

Harry started his car. Right away, it went out.

"Dammit." Harry said to his self.

He tried again. It died again.

Harry stopped and sat back for a moment.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just my damn car will never start." He said. He sounded a little pissed off, which I would be too.

I watched him try the last time.

It finally started.

"Thank god." Harry said, as he smiled.

I smiled a little. Harry switiched on the radio. He turned it up to 13, which was not loud at all. It was just so we could hear it, but we could easily talk over it.

"So whats knew?" Harry asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Nothing much." I started. "How about you?" I asked.

"Same as you!" He smiled. "What do you think of Cheshire?" He questioned.

"Its lovely. So are the people." I said admiring it.

"By people you mean me, right?" He smiled and winked.

"Of course." I said sarcastically, but I was partally telling the truth.

He smiled then focused on the road.


Harry drove around looking for a parking spot. When we found one, we got out of the car and walked up to the festival together. The fee was free to get in, unless you got there after 7pm, which we didn't. So, we got there for free.

"Where would you like to go?" He asked me.

We stopped and looked aroud for a second.

"Doesn't matter." I smiled.

I just enjoyed being here. It was very lovely, and it was so much like Fall. Even though, its not Fall yet.

He smiled. "How about we go check out the animals? Maybe they have some cats." He winked.

"Cats?" I asked. I was a bit confused. They were farm animals, and he was hoping to see cats? This boy, has the weirdest thoughts.

"Yeaaahhh. I like cats." He smiled, cheeky.

"Um, okay?" I said, awkwarded out.

He laughed. "I'm joking." He said bumping into me, lightly.

I felt something lightly touch my hand. I looked down.

He placed his hand into mine.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I questioned. I was a bit nervous, but I always felt something when he touched me in any way.

"Just relax." He smiled. I went with it, and ignored the fact that we were holding hands. "Wanna hit some rides?" He asked.

Rides? I absolutly hate rides. I always had a fear of them, especially spinning ones.

"I dont know, Harry." I said concerned. I dropped his hand and stopped.

"Come on, I won't let you get hurt." He smiled. It was so sweet when he said that, I felt my stomach flip a couple times.

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the rides.

"Harry, NO!" I yelled, playfully, yet with fear, as he pulled me towards them.

"Pleeaassseee? For me?" He winked.

"Nope!" I said turning around.

"Then you leave me no choice!" He laughed. He came over to me, and threw me over his shoulder, gently.

"Harry, No!!" I yelled, as I laughed.

"Yep!" He smiled.

"Put me down, Styles!" I laughed.

He ignored me and contiued walking towards the rides. 


He set me down, and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, I won't let you get hurt." He said, again.

"Harry, I can't." I told him.

He looked at me, then pulled me towards the ride.

The Monster. The ride had written on the side.

We got on, Harry put his arm around my waist.

"I have you." He smiled.

I closed my eyes for a couple seconds then opened them.

The ride began, and Harry held me a little tighter.


"See, it was't that bad." He confirmed to me, as we walked out the gate of the 

"I guess, not." I smiled.

"You have to see this." He said directing me towards a old house thing.

"What is it?" I said as we approached it.

"Its the Abbydawn Gardens." He explained. "Its really lovely." He said.

We walked into the gardens. It was so beautiful. It was like looking at a picture someone painted of a beautiful garden in their imagination.

We walked over to this little sitting area, where we sat and observed.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked, hesitant.

"You just did." I winked. We laughed. Then I got serious. "Of course." I answered him.

"A couple of nights ago..." He started I knew he was going to bring up the kiss.

"When we kissed.. Did you like, feel something, like, special?" He asked. I could tell he was embarassed and blushing.

I shrugged. "Sort of." I answered.

"I really like you, Kristen. I just don't know how you feel about me." He said.

"Harry..." I started. I had no idea what to say.

"Kris, I just kinda wanna be closer to you." He smiled a little.

I smiled. "Sounds nice." I said, confirming I could be his girlfriend.

He had a smile across his whole face.

He got up and reached out his hand to help me up. 

"Well, Where would you like to go?" He asked.

"I'm not really sure." I smiled a little.

I saw him thinking for a moment. 

"How about some more rides?" He smiled.

I looked at him sternly. 


A/N: Yep, Nothing spicy happened besides they're now going out! ;D Wow. Lol Next chapter will DEFIDENTLY have some bisness starting. It might now get to far, but I can garuntee they're will be some. Nighty night ;)x

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