7. the one with the storm

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Monday, 8th of December, 2014

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Monday, 8th of December, 2014

If it wasn't the sounds of thunder clapping loudly outside my window that woke me up, it was definitely the sounds of pots and pans banging from out in the kitchen. I was startled awake by a loud crash of something, and upon seeing a flash of lightning from behind my curtain, I knew a storm had hit the city. I had checked online late afternoon the day before and they had predicted stormy weather, which, for once, seemed to come true.

Frowning at the horrible weather outside, I pulled my duvet up further and snuggled in underneath it. I didn't have to work until later in the afternoon, and with how things had ended up the night before, I wasn't really in the mood for being social — or even getting out of my bed, for that matter. I dreaded going into work later in the day, but I dreaded seeing Harry even more.

I had no idea how long I cried for, but Harry held me tight through every heartbreaking second of it. With every tear that fell down my cheek, and every sob that was louder than the last, Harry squeezed me just that bit tighter. His warm body surrounding me gave me hope that maybe things would be okay again, and that maybe there would be a time when I was actually happy as a person, rather than just a sad person living through happy moments. That small glimmer of hope was what made me finally stop crying, leaving Harry to see nothing but my raw emotions under my mascara-less eyes.

My makeup had rubbed off onto Harry's dark shirt and I had felt completely naked in front of him. My body was still fully clothed, but my face was left without the barrier between who I wanted to be and the real me. Wearing makeup, in my own experience, wasn't just about attempting to make myself more presentable in society, it was about the security and comfort that it held within. Behind the makeup, I was this insecure and unstable girl who cried a lot, but on the outside, I was a strong and positive woman who was so sure of herself. At least, that was the image I tried to portray. And since my makeup had worn off, my face was bare, and Harry got an uncensored view of the crumbling girl inside.

Harry insisted on holding me longer, wanting to protect me from my own feelings, but I insisted that it had been a long day and I just wanted to head off to bed. I also wasn't sure I felt comfortable being around him, knowing just how out in the open I was at the time. Harry, who didn't initially agree with my decision, said that maybe it would be for the best, and that maybe a good night's sleep would do me good. I bid him goodnight, telling him that he could stay up as late as he wanted, and rushed off to my own bed. I stripped myself of my clothes, only leaving me in my underwear, and crawled into my bed. I hugged my pillow tight and slowly, but eventually, drifted off into a deep sleep.

Now, I was awake, thanks to the loud banging in the kitchen and the thunderous weather outside, and not entirely sure the sleep had done me any good. Sure, I may have been well-rested and felt good in that aspect, but with the emotional rollercoaster that I had been through, my body felt completely drained. I was exhausted.

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