12. the one with an invitation

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Warning: Mild sexual harassment

Wednesday, 24th of December, 2014

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Wednesday, 24th of December, 2014

"I really want to kiss you, Suzy."

It was as if the whole world stood still as soon as he said those seven words. I couldn't tell whether it was the alcohol, the cool wind, or the confusion, but something had left me feeling like the whole world was spinning around me while I was frozen. It was as if someone had stuck my shoes to the ground. I couldn't move either of my feet, and the more I thought about it, I didn't think I could move any other muscles in my body, either.

Harry telling me he wanted to kiss me was the last thing I ever thought would come out of his mouth.

I found the strength to speak, but as I opened my mouth to say something — anything — nothing came out. Harry was looking down at me, waiting for any form of response, but he was not getting one. He blinked three times as I watched him, waiting for a reaction. And a reaction came, only it wasn't quite the one I had expected.

His eyes widened suddenly as he jumped back and span to face away from me, only to run off to the side of the road, bend over and vomit over the cement. My friendly and caring instincts took over as I rushed right over to him as I rubbed his back, while he continued to spill the the contents of his stomach. Noticing that his hair was in danger of being drenched in puke, I reached out and pushed it away from his face. Luckily enough, I had a spare hair tie around my wrist, so I tied his hair up.

A few more dry retches later and Harry was done. He was still bent over, breathing heavily, and I continued to rub his back. "Feel better now?" I asked.

"I'm just glad I was — was outside, 'cause that came on so fast," he replied.

"Alcohol is both the best and worst thing ever created," I laughed, but if Harry's stomach contents all over the cement was anything to judge by, he wasn't really in the mood to reciprocate.

Just as Harry stood upright and told me that he should probably head home — and I was also thankful that this situation had come about, even though it was kind of bad for Harry, because it meant I didn't have to do or say anything to the kissing-comment — he was hunched back over the curb just as fast, throwing up once more. My hand had found his back again, rubbing and patting.

And when I didn't think the situation could get any worse, the front light of my house turned on and out came rushing Mum out the front. "Suzy, is that you?"

I span around to look at her, trying to make sure she focused on me and not the vomiting Harry behind me. "Yeah, I'm here, I'm just—" a loud dry retch came from Harry, causing me to gag a little "—just helping Harry."

"Oh dear, the poor thing! Been there many times before," Mum said as she walked over to us. I was well aware she had been there many times before, because I was often the one who had to deal with her when she got herself in such a state. "How far away is his house? I'll drive him home."

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