important update

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long story short: oxford comma will both be finished and not finished. complicated, i know, but after some critical thinking about it all, i've made the decision to not write the final chapters. it was a tough decision to make and one i had to push through my stubbornness to conclude on, but it's what will be best in the long run. i won't feel so guilty to work on something new, knowing full well i've got this unfinished piece behind me that's just sitting there collecting dust, and i will be able to let go and move on to bigger and better things that surround a world i am much happier and more comfortable to write about. i want to be able to post things i am genuinely happy to share with others and make me proud—really, i want to post things i would be happy to turn into original fiction one day.

all that being said... there will still be closure! i may have said i won't write the final chapters, but i didn't say anything about sharing detailed descriptions of what actually happens! so, over the next eight days, i will be posting a separate "chapter" each day and each one will detail the events of what would've occurred (hence... "8 days of oxford comma"). they will also be inclusive of photos and gifs and bits of dialogue i've already written. it may not be the full fledged chapters these characters deserve (however, most "chapters" are still over 1k words each in detail anyway), but in a way they are still getting their ending, and for those of you around who still read oxford comma, hopefully you'll be able to find closure on their story too.

so, with all that in mind... stay tuned for tomorrow to find out what would've happened in chapter 28! it's an exciting one!

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