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I woke up with a groan. I hadn't even opened my eyes but I could feel the skull pounding headache of a hangover. I forced my eyes open to find myself in Val's room at the club. The last thing I remembered from last night was the sound of gunshots. With a lot of effort, I managed to force myself out of the bed and to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face and brushing my teeth before rushing downstairs to find Val. Everything seemed normal, as if the club hadn't been attacked and it was a regular day.

"You look like shit." Chuck was a retired member and the bartender, and therefore my best friend. We worked together most nights and had become pretty close over the last year. At least I knew he would always be honest with me.

"Well good morning to you too. Anybody want to tell me what the fuck happened last night and why the last thing I remember was hearing gunshots. Did I miss something?"

"If you hadn't drank a whole bottle of Jack you'd know that it was just a little friendly fire baby girl. All a misunderstanding." I gave him a look.  I knew there was more to the story. Despite being the daughter of one the club's founders, I was a still a woman which, to the guys, meant I didn't need to involve myself in 'club business'.

"And Val?"

"Church." Chuck was a man of few words and I think that's why I liked him so much. He didn't question the club and he didn't question me. We had a silent agreement. Chuck gave me a cup of coffee while I waited for Val and I gave him a grateful smile. My head felt like it was being repeatedly crushed with a sledgehammer.

"You feeling alright?" Despite Chuck's somewhat cold exterior I knew he was a big softy on the inside. You wouldn't guess it considering he was your typical biker, his long dark hair had become streaked with grey, along with his beard. His eyes were dark. You could tell he had seen some shit, but I knew his heart was still good. After what happened with my brother I decided to distance myself from most of the guys, despite how close I had been with all of them. It was too easy to lose them to this life and I didn't think I could make it through losing another brother, but Chuck had managed to worm his way into my heart.

"Yeah I'm good." We both knew it was a lie, but like usual he didn't say anything more, just nodded. There was something in his eyes that told me he wanted to say more. I was grateful that he didn't. I heard the slamming of the gavel on wood behind closed doors and got up, waiting for Val to come out. He had the same harsh look on his face as he usually did. It was hard to believe that this was the same guy who played pranks on everyone and was known as the class clown in high school. I guess that's what tragedy does to a person.


"Scarlett. You look pretty good considering you were on the verge of needing your stomach pumped last night. Again." The cold smirk on his face made me think he was joking, but the anger in his voice told me otherwise. I just rolled my eyes.

"You wanna tell me what's going on? Maybe you can start with what the fuck happened last night?"

"Club business sweetheart. You don't need to worry your pretty little head about it." I slammed my fist down on the bar.

"Don't bullshit me Valentino. I'm not some random club girl who doesn't need to know shit."

"Well you sure as hell like to act like one. I'm sick of you pulling this shit. You wanna be treated like more than a club whore than start acting like it." I cringed at the word.  My whole life was spent around the club girls and I had become close friends with most of them, and I hated when they were treated like nothing more than a sex doll.  Val knew this.  He was trying to get to me.    

"Damn it Val just tell me what's going on so I can get the fuck out of here." I could see the anger flare in his golden eyes.

"You watch who the fuck you're talking to. Maybe all the booze made you forget who runs this club."

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