Chapter 12

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I don't know what it was that actually woke me up, it certainly wasn't Pepper as I would normally expect for a Sunday morning, and it certainty wasn't the fact I'd had enough sleep.

My eyes felt like pieces of sand paper had been jammed in to them, making them feel gritty and sore. My arms and legs felt like anchors attached to my body, making it very difficult to get them to co-operate with me. My head was so fuzzy it was hard for me to focus on being awake.

All in all late nights just weren't my thing, I needed a solid 10 hours of sleep ideally before I was able to function properly. Rolling over I blindly grabbed for my phone sending every thing on my bedside table scattering across my floor.

This had woke Pepper who was sleeping at the bottom of my bed. His meow was filled with pure disgust and loathing as he jumped off my bed with a grace I could only wish to possess, and made his way to the chair in the corner or my bedroom to resume his sleep. Clearly he hadn't gotten enough rest either.

I was tempted to join him in going back to sleep, until I saw that I had a text notification on my phone. Trying to get my eyes to focus on the text, I blinked a couple of times to get my eyes to adjust. Seeing that my text was from Chaz left me confused and relieved at the same time.

At least I know that Roman didn't kill him.

Opening up the text it read "Sorry I missed your call Princess. Need me?" To be honest I'd completely forgotten I'd even called him.

I was too tired to deal with formulating a reply right now, so I locked my phone and placed it back down. I was surprised that I had expected a text from Roman, and now felt totally disappointed that there wasn't one.

I told myself that he had a late night too and was probably still asleep. Even though deep down, I didn't believe it.

Sitting up in bed I began stretching my joints back in to place, as I began to wake up properly. Deciding that I could put this early start to good use I wrapped my dressing gown around myself and headed downstairs.

I stopped stock still before I entered the kitchen because the situation I'd walked in on was something I was not used to. Sitting on my kitchen table were a selection of fruits, juices and breads.

I walked towards the table cautiously, like the croissants were going to leap off the plate and bite me on the nose. I stood there looking over each item until I spotted to coffee that had been poured in to my travel mug, probably in hopes of keeping it hot.

Not being able to resist I ran over to my cupboard to pull out my mug and began pouring the contents of the travel mug in to it. I didn't like drinking out of my travel mug, I only had it in case of emergencies.

Now that I'd had my first few sips of coffee for the day my brain was starting to boot up. Scanning the table again I noticed this time that there was a card in the middle. Picking it up I unfolded it "Sorry I couldn't stay to enjoy breakfast with you, was called away. Call later.  -R" was all it said.

Roman had done this? At first it felt like my heart expanded in my chest to twice its normal size. Even though I wasn't a big fan of breakfast, no one had even gone to this much trouble for me before, and I was feeling well and truly spoiled. But then it hit me.

How on earth did Roman get in to my house?!

Setting my coffee down on the table I bolted back upstairs to retrieve my phone. My fingers were moving over the screen quicker than my brain could comprehend


I hit send. Sitting down on my bed I had images of him downstairs whipping up the fabulous breakfast as I slept oblivious upstairs. I always thought of myself as a light sleeper, but apparently I'd slept right through as Roman was preparing breakfast. Oh my god, what if he came upstairs and saw me passed out in bed with drool and bed head. What if I was snoring?! My cheeks flames as I sat on my bed waiting for a reply.

Caught. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ