Years Later

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"Still bad huh?" Maddie examines my face. I shrug.

"You remember. Lucky for you, you were sleeping at a friends house." She chuckles.

"Yeah." Her smile drops. "I-"

"You can stop apologizing. Its been two years since you came home."

The year is 2000. Things have changed for all of us. The gang and I are all 19. Ashley and Todd moved away as soon as we all graduated. Sal, Larry and I all stayed here in Nockfell. Sal is staying with Niel while I stay with Larry. Maddie on the other hand is staying with Aunt Carol. She doesn't want Maddie to go anywhere just yet. I make fun of her all the time!

"I know, but I missed you y'know?" She wraps the blanket tighter around us. Right now, I'm spending the night in Aunt Carol's house. We are watching some movies while wrapped in a blanket. Did I mention is snowing outside? Yeah, love the cold.

I reach for my hot cocoa when it fell on the ground. "Ah, shit." I unwrap from the comfortable blanket and get off the couch. I bend down to pick up the cup and see something. "What's that?"

"What's what?" She meets me on the ground. I see her eyes go wide. "Ah, t-that's nothing! Haha! It's just-"

"You're really bad at lying." She sighs.

"Fine. Get it." I reach my hand under the couch and grab it. It looks like-

"A present? What for?" She laughs.

"Happy birthday, Y/N." I look at her, my face softening. After all these years, she's still my sweet asshole of a sister.

"Thank you." I hug her super tight and open my gift. It's clothing and-

"A new mask?" She nods.

"The one you have is pretty old... and gross. I went ahead and bought you a new one." I try it on while Maddie finds a mirror.

" I try it on while Maddie finds a mirror

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"It feels nice." She places the mirror in front of me. "And it's perfect!" I look at myself from all angles. "This is insane."

"But wait, there's more!" She said sounding like one of those bad commercials. She lays the new clothes out.

(if you pictured another outfit, you may use that)

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(if you pictured another outfit, you may use that)

"This is so great!" She giggles while I hug her again. "This is probably the best birthday I've had in years. Thanks so much." She smiles. I take the clothes and run to the bathroom. After I changed, I slam open the door, making Maddie jump.

"Jeez dude, it's not the end of the world!"

"But it is the start of something wonderful!"

"God, I should just place you in a musical now."

"Fuck off!" We both laugh. "So?"

"It looks good on you. Larry's gonna love it!" I instantly blush.


"What? It's not like you guys aren't dating!"

"I know!" I take a deep breath. "Anyway, it's getting late. I'm gonna hit the hay."

"Alright, I'll hit the hay soon. The movies almost over anyway." We exchange good nights and I head to the guest bedroom upstairs. I open the door and smile.

I call it the guest room, but in reality, it's my old room. All of the things are mostly gone, but Aunt Carol insisted on keeping a few posters and especially my bed. God, I've had that bed for years. I walk into the room and close the door. I reach for my flip phone and call Larry.

"Hey! How's your sister sleepover so far sweetheart?" I giggle when I hear him.

"Good! Really fun too. She gave me a birthday present."

"That's great! You like it?"

"Love it. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm heading to bed."

"Aw okay. I'm gonna miss you."

"Me too love. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I hang up the phone. I climb into bed and open my bag. I reach for my journal and start writing, like the good old times.

Dear Diary 2000,
Hey! It's been a while. Everything is going swell. Larry and I are still together, I'm going to see Sal tomorrow, and Ash and Todd are visiting in a few weeks! Life so far is going great. Oh! And, Maddie gave me the best birthday ever! Man, I couldn't ask for a better sister. Anyway, it's late.

Signing off!

I close my journal and sigh, putting it back in my bag. I lay down and look at the ceiling. My old poster of one of Maddie's paintings stares down at me.

 My old poster of one of Maddie's paintings stares down at me

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It's a painting of Mom when she was my age. She's so beautiful. I miss her. I wonder how Dad and her are doing. Maybe I should try and talk with him again in Larry's old place. Oh well, that's enough sad things for the day. I turn my body and rest my eyes, dreaming of the good things.

Hi everyone! I'm back! How's the new chapter? Hope you guys like it! Whether I have an idea in the week, I'm going to be uploading on the weekends. Till next time!

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