Someone's In A Mood

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Larry places an item in the shopping cart. "Is that it?"

"Yup. Thanks babe."

"No problemo." We stay silent when we start walking to the register. "Soooo, are we gonna talk about what's been happening?" I sigh.

"Of course."

"Good, cause I-"

"At the apartment." He does finger guns.

"Right! I knew that." He then bends down to my level and whispers "I love you."

I snicker. "Yeah, me too." I hear him chuckle. I smile too. I love hearing his laugh.

[time skip!]

"Baaaaaabe, what's wrong?" I fumble with the keys and open the door. "Please don't ignore meeeee. You know I need your attention~"

"Don't." I point at him. He stops dead in his tracks. "Don't use that trick in me now mister. Clearly I am NOT in the mood." He pouts. "I'm going to bed. I prefer you get into bed AFTER I have fallen asleep, got it?"

He sighs. "Yes ma'am." He looks sad. Shoot. Maybe this'll help.

I grab his face and passionately kiss him. After I break from him, I look up and down and smirk. "Will you please tell your friend to relax? It was just a kiss!"

Clearly embarrassed, his hands cover his crotch. He rushes to the bathroom. We stay silent for a few seconds. "I HAVEN'T KISSED YOU IN A LONG TIME OKAY?"

I laugh loudly. "Ok well, I'm going to bed!"

"Alright, goodnight sweetheart!"

"Night!" I head to my room and change out of my clothes and into my pj's. Getting into bed, I get my journal out. Man... I can't believe I've had this for so long.

Dear Diary,

Soooo Larry's back home. Yes, I did miss him and yes, I did miss his smile but now that he's back... I feel like I don't know him that well anymore. When he came back, he wasn't the same teddy bear I knew back in high school. You know? Ugh, it sucks! At least we still love each other, THAT will never change.

Also, something went down in the super market today. Larry and I split up get a few things and the next time I see him, a random girl is feeling him up! She had her hand in his chest a couple of times, they told A LOT of jokes, and more. AND HE DIDN'T EVEN LOOK PHASED! Not a single "oh, I have a girlfriend" or "I can't I'm not single." NOPE. The whole time that they were talking, He. Did. Nothing.

Now, I'm sure that he was just talking to the girl, but she made it super clear that she was flirting. And yes, I do sound jealous, but you should spot these types of things y'know? Eh, maybe I'm being a teensy bit unfair, but I care too much about him. I can't have him fall for a hoe.

Anyway, enough ranting. Imma hit the hay. Hopefully Larry can join me after his friend has calmed down a bit. *wink wink*

Signing off!

I close my journal and put it away. Getting comfortable, I close my eyes and sleep.


It's really dark in here.

"She's down here!"

It's really claustrophobic.

"Guys, she's over there!"

Why can't I move?

"Oh my God, Y/N!!"

Why can't I open my eyes?

"Shit, she's loosing a lot of blood!"

Wait... Ash?

"She might still be conscious."


"You better not die on us, Y/N!"


"Sweetheart... can you hear me?"



Hola! Como estas? Espero que hayan disfrutado el nuevo capítulo!
*clears throat*
Sorry, I forgot some of you guys don't speak Spanish. Anyway, welcome back! Sorry for the slow uploads. Again, blame school. It's all their fault!! Lol. Soooo I have some news. Since school is almost over (2 months away aahh!!), I might upload again during my spring break (April 18-??), or during the summer! I'm sooo sorry! Most of you readers are in school so you get the struggle. ILY ALL SM!!
See you soon!

PS: thanks for 2k reads! And thanks for 23k reads on the first book! I love you all! :)

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