Addisons Apartments

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{Maddie's POV}

I take a hit of my cigarette. I throw it on the ground and step on it. The cool air outside feels nice, knowing that today will be the day...

That I make Y/N pay.

{earlier that day}

I carefully place Y/N on the passenger seat of my car. I take her sunglasses and put them on. C'mon, it has to look somewhat believable. I start the car and head over to Addison Apartments. While driving, I get a phone call.


"Madison, dear, do you have her?"

I sigh. "Yes, Aunt Carol. She's asleep in the car. Thanks for the chemical by the way."

She giggles. "Of course dear! Anything to help."

"Yeah... Aunt Carol? When will you be back?"

"Oh! That's a surprise!" I furrow my brows. "But don't worry about me at the moment, take care of your sister for right now. I have to take off, see you soon!"

She hangs up. What the fuck?

{time skip!}

I carry Y/N body and take the sunglasses off, throwing them on the ground. I open the door with my side and enter the lobby. Thankfully, no ones down here to ask questions. I hurry to the elevator and hit the forth floor.
(sorry if that's not the same floor as to where the dungeon is located! pls lmk)
After it opens, a lady is in there, wearing a purple jumpsuit. My eyes widen for a moment, but go back to normal. My heart on the other hand is rapidly beating.

We both greet each other. Then, the faithfully question arrives.

"Is that Y/N?" A smile creeps onto my face.

"Yes, yes it is. When I can over to visit her (I'm here sister by the way), her and her boyfriend were drinking away! Man, you should of been there." We both laugh.

"Oh, believe me, I have. Larry once got drunk when he was 17 years old. It was a fun yet challenging night."

"Woah." The floor door opens. "Oh, that's me."

The woman holds the elevator door open for me to pass.

"Anyway, if you need any help, the names Lisa. I live down in the basement. Here, I have an extra key card!" She places it in my pocket. "Have a nice day!"

"Thanks. You as well!" The elevator closes and I place Y/N down to rest my arms. I take a look at the key card and observe it. An idea came. What if I check out Larry's old place? I'm sure Lisa won't mind!

I put it back in my pocket and pick Y/N up.


I walk back into the dungeon to check on Y/N. She sits on her bounded chair, asleep once more. After she woke up, she was kicking and screaming for her Larry. Psh, pathetic. I had to put her back asleep. It's better when she's like this.

I hit the elevator button and wait for it to open. It's night time, so I doubt anyone will be awake. I was wrong.

"Oh, hey Maddie." I greet him as I get into the elevator. "How are you? It's 2 in the morning you know."

I chuckle. "Yes, Larry I'm aware. I couldn't sleep so I wanted to check out this place. Maybe to find the dungeon that the cult would meet."

"Really? That's oddly..."

"Specific? Yeah, well, Y/N DID tell me about Aunt Carol y'know."

"Yeah, but... why now?"

I scoff. "Did you not here from your girlfriend? Aunt Carol got burned. She's in the hospital, so she won't be coming home for a while. Might as well check out where this so-called 'dungeon' is."

"Okay..." The elevator dings. "Why are you going to the basement?"

"To have a chat with your mom." I bolt out of the elevator and don't bother to hear what Larry says. For the love of God, why him? Why did he have to be in the elevator. I could've gotten caught!

I knock on Lisa's door and she immediately opens it. "Larry! Welcome- oh, hello! Sorry, I was expecting my son at this hour. What's up?"

"Hi, Lisa. Could I come in? Larry forgot something and I need to return it to him."

"Well-" Her phone make a noise. "On moment please." She checks her phone and sighs. "Oh, shoot. Yes, you can come in. Larry's taking a rain check."

Larry was coming here?! Holy shit, that was a close one.

"Oh, ok. Thank you Lisa." I enter the house and look around. "Nice place you got."

"Why, thank you! Would you like something to drink?"

"Wine would be good."

"Oh... alright." I locate Larry's room.

"I'll just me a minute."

"Alright dear, no rush." I enter his room.


Hello! Welcome back and happy spring break! (for me at least lol) Since I might be going to Key West, I may upload another chapter then. But, who knows! For the people who are still in school, good luck on your studies and test! See you soon.

{SallyFace} Burnt Up - Larry X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now