A Mistake Has Been Made

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"Wait... so what's the plan?"

I exhale and look at Larry. His head has dry blood on it from when Maddie hit him, and most of his shirt and pants were covered in blood because of his mom's body.

I sigh. "The plan for now is to distract Maddie long enough to possibly kill her."

Larry's eyes go wide. "What? But that's your sister."

"No. That's not my sister. She's was never this bat-shit crazy! It's the cult that manipulated her to be this way."

"Yeah... but don't you think that's kinda wrong? I mean, she's your own blood y'know."

"Yes, Larry! I'm well aware."

We stop talking for a second.

"Look... I don't think it's the right thing to do either. But the only thing that I can come up with now is that. I just need a way to distract Aunt Carol first."

"Psh, that's easy. She really gullible."

My invisible light bulb turned on. "Oh my God, you're right!

{Maddie's POV}

"And then I had to go out and kill him because my partner was too much of a pussy! Honestly, I do more of the work than I would like."

Vivian and I found a nearby ice cream place to chill. Don't worry to all the viewers at home, I made sure that both prisoners were wrapped up tight and so there won't any escaping soon. I smirk when I imagen them screaming for their lives.

"Holy shit, you're a fucking beast I swear." Vivian scoops a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. "I mean, I would probably do the same-"

"God Vivian, finish before you speak." She shuts up immediately.

She sallows. "Sorry. What I was trying to say is that... you're a brave one Maddie. You have guts! Which is why you shouldn't wait around for your sister to make a decision. Give her one final warning, whether that leads to her to join us or be killed."

I slam my hands on the table. "THAT'S MY SISTER YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" I catch a few stares. I lean in closer to her. "I will take care of it my own way... got that?"

All she does is nod her head.


We hear the hatch open, revealing a happy Aunt Carol and serious Maddie.

"Hey, how are the ropes?" I look down from Maddie's gaze.

"Th-they're fine. Thanks."

"What happened to your boyfriend?"

"He's sleeping." Then, the dreaded question. "Can I talk with you... alone?"

She takes a deep breathe through her nose. "Sure, I have nothing better to do. Vivian, you can go home, I'll watch these two fuckers."

"Thanks! See ya." She exits. Maddie pulls up a chair next to me.

"What's up?"

Tears start stinging my eyes. Fuck, I'm getting nervous. This plan can't fail, it just can't.

"I miss you... the old you."

She laughs. "What 'old me'? This is who I've always been, Y/N! Nothing is gonna change, alright? You're just gonna have to get used to it."

A tear slips. "I just... I just wanna hug you again, laugh with you again, and just be your sister again."

Her face softens. "Y/N... don't start."


She flings from her seat to hug me, tight. "I know, I know... I'm so sorry for leaving a while back. I thought about you every single day!" She pulls away from the hug, suddenly untying the ropes. "I think it's settled then. You can stay with me forever! You're finally gonna join the cult!"

I choke back a scream, laugh, anything. Just pretend for a little longer! "Yes, yes, that's perfect! Oh God, I won't be alone anymore. Thank you, thank you so much for saving me..."

She finally finishes with the rope and hugs me again. And for the first time in a while... I get to hug her back.

"Oh my God, this is really happening! Thank you, so much. I never thought you would-"

I look her dead in the eyes, my smile disappearing.



Larry jumps from the floor, the ropes falling down his body with ease. I push Maddie back and Larry grabs her. They wrestle for a bit when their bodies hit the floor with an awful thump. I try to help, but my head is spinning from all the yelling.

"SAY GOODBYE FOR GOOD, MOTHERFUCKER!" Maddie screams. I hear the sound of a gun being fought with.

Then... a gunshot.

WOW, HEY, I'M BACK!! Surprise! Holy crap, I think we might be reaching the end folks!! (pls don't be mad)

Anyway, my brain had sooo many ideas for this chapter and I couldn't wait anymore. I just had to upload for you guys! Maybe their will be 2-3 for chapters left?? idk yet

See you soon! Also, wish me luck on my finals! (pls, i'm desperate lol)

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