Never Trust The Person Closest To You

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{Maddie's POV}

"Guys!" I burst through Y/N and Larry's room to find her awake and Larry asleep. She sweating real bad. "Y/N? What's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing, just... another bad dream."

I mentally sigh. "Oh, okay. Have you by any chance talked to Aunt Carol?"

She takes a few seconds before answering. "No. As a matter of fact, I haven't got at least one text from her. Maybe I-"

"No, it's fine. She called me this morning. She said that she's been very busy with the surgeries and hasn't had time to call us. Most of the time, she was too tired to call or text. Those surgeries would take hours!"

Y/N takes a deep breath. "Oh. You had me worried for a sec there Maddie!" We both laugh. I made my way to their bed when I hear shuffling. We both look at Larry as he starts to get up.

He rubs his eyes and clears his throat. "Maddie? What are you doing here?"

"Just hear to talk with Y/N."

"Oh, okay." He yawns. "Well, I have to meet up with Sal anyway. He said there was something wrong with Addison Apartments."

My eyes go wide. "What? I thought that place burned to the ground years ago. I guess it's still alive and thriving."

"Yeah. Well, I'm gonna shower. You want to use the bathroom, babe?" She shakes her head.

"Nah, take it. I want to talk with my sis." He nods and heads to the bathroom, locking it.

We both make our way to the kitchen wear Y/N starts making tea. She always hated coffee, poor thing. I don't think I could survive without it. I clear my throat and continue.

"She also told me that she was coming home early because of a fire-" Y/N stops everything. She turns to me with wide eyes.

"Is she-"

"She's... not so great. Aunt Carol got first degree burns. It isn't life threatening, but she was sent to the hospital and now is being sent home tomorrow."

Y/N starts hyperventilating. "Oh my God..." Shit, I probably shouldn't have told her. I quickly hug her and a rub her back.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Calm down, everything is going to be okay. I know how you feel-" She pushes me away.

"You don't. You don't know how the fuck I feel. You don't know what it's like to live your life with a FUCKING MASK. You don't know what it's like to have kids laugh at you, call you names, and one time tried to beat you to a pulp because you scared his girlfriend! So don't EVER tell me 'I know how you feel'... EVER!" She stops. No tears. That means she's really pissed.

I hear a door open and see Larry rush to Y/N. He embraces her and gives me a death stare. He mouths 'Get out'.

So I do.

[time skip]


I lay on my towel. The pool is really cold, so I'm not going in there for a while.

After Maddie left, Larry finished getting ready and headed to Sal's place. Ash, Todd and Neil are out to lunch. They asked me to join them but for right now, I need my alone time. And the best way to do that is at Aunt Carol's pool. I may not trust her with all this cult stuff, but I still like hanging here.

I may have overreacted with Maddie's statement, but she shouldn't have said that. No one should ever go through that... being burned that is. But why didn't she call me? Why Maddie? Eh, maybe I'm just overthinking things.

I try the pool again. It's better, slightly less colder. I dip in the pool and start to swim.

I wonder where Maddie went. She rarely comes home anymore, and she doesn't visit me or the gang often either. What's her deal?

I hear something. I raise my head out of the water and look around. Weird. I shrug it off but then the noise happens again, coming from the kitchen. I come out of the pool and wrap my body with my towel. I enter the house and look at the kitchen. Nothing there.

"What the..." There is a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. I go and pick it up. It reads:

Dear Diary,

Something strange is happening with Maddie. She seems... distant. Like she doesn't want to hang out with us anymore. With me. It could be nothing and me just overthinking things like I always do, but deep down something is wrong. When I get the chance, I'll try and talk with her.

Signing off!

That's... my latest journal entry. Before I left the apartment, I wrote that in my journal. The ink is still a little wet. What is this doing here?

"Wait... what's that?" I look closer at my entry and see red ink in the back. I flip it over and it reads:


I gasp. Maddie?! How-

Suddenly, a hand with a paper towel is on my mouth. Shit, no no no no! I try to fight back, but their stronger than me. Then they whisper:

"You're smarter than you look,
Y/N..." My body gives out.




Hey everyone! Aren't you lucky, one more chapter the next day! No need to thank me. And also, just know that the readers that have been here since day one really mean a lot to me. Thank you all so much. You guys truly helped me grow to become the author of a 24k reader count on my first story and a 3k reader count on this sequel. Thank you truly. See you soon.

Edit (4/10/19): Hey! Sorry for the wait. I'll be uploading again during my spring break which will start on April 18.

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