Unexpected Surprise

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{Larry's POV}

I lock the apartment door and sigh. Y/N has already made her way to the couch. I sadly smile and make my way to her. I sit next to her and she lays her head on my lap.

"Hey Larry?"

"Yeah?" I can feel her gulp.

"When you were younger, like, before I moved here and you just met Sal... have you ever dealt with this kind of stuff before? Like, cult members and ghosts and shit?"

I laugh coldly. "Yeah I did. Sal was really into that stuff and I kinda was just... standing in the background of it all. It would always freak the fuck out of me." She laughs coldly as well.

"God... and I thought I had it hard." We both laugh until she sits up straight. "Oh god."

"What's wrong?"

"I think I'm gonna be sick." She rushes over to the bathroom and throws up. I run after her to hold her hair back, fighting the urge to throw up as well.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" She coughs and clears her throat.



"WATER!" I jump and head to the kitchen and back with water. She chugs it down and starts panting.

"Babe, breathe! What's wrong?"

"I don't know! I've had to throw up a lot lately." She then looks at me with wide eyes. "No..."

"Y/N, you're really scaring me."

"No, no no no no..." She gets up and pacing the bathroom floor. "No, I can't be!"


"I think I'm pregnant!"


Oh no.

{Sal's POV}

I enter the grocery store and head for the ice cream section. Ash has really been upset lately, after loosing her grandpa and all. The odd thing was when she mentioned that she didn't cry.

Now that I think about it, I've actually never seen her cry.

I about to pick a flavor when I see Larry rushing with something in his hands. I make my way to him. "Larry!" He sees me and he stops, putting the item behind him.

"Sally Face! Hey dude, what's up?"

"Not much. I'm buying ice cream for Ash. What about you?" I see a bead of sweat come down his forehead.

"Oh! It's nothing, aha! I was just uh... buying some cereal bars for Y/N." He chuckles.

"That's weird. Y/N doesn't like cere-"

"OKAY! It's not that, it's... it's uh... just look." He hands me the item. My eyes go wide when I see a pregnancy test. I quickly face Larry.

"No way." He shakes his head.
"When did you guys... y'know... do it?"

"I don't know man, like, a week or two ago? But we used protection!"

"Shiiiit. Well, uh, call me after you find out."

"Yeah, will do. I'm just hoping it's negative."

"Wait, really?" Larry looks at me.

"What, you don't?"

"Well, I mean... you were planning on having a family right?"

"Sure! But that was after I proposed and-"

"Wait, propose?! When?"

"I don't know man. Probably soon. I was looking at rings the other day."

"Aww, dude! But don't get her a ring, she hates jewelry." (lol sorry if you do!)

"Alright, I'll take that into consideration."

"No problem." I then raise my hand and form it into a fist. He does the same and we fist-bump. We both smile.

"Good luck, Larry Face."

"Thanks, Sally Face."

I can't believe I just did that. Haha oops. That's what happens when you watch too many "16 and pregnant" videos. Anyway, I'm back with a new chapter! How was it? Good I hope lol. See you soon!

{SallyFace} Burnt Up - Larry X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now