Flower's Grow in the Spring

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{Maddie's POV}

I take a sip of my beer. Y/N looks at me nervously. "C'mon, it's not gonna kill ya!"

She chuckles nervously and takes a sip. She revolts at first, but soon lets the cold beverage flow down her throat. "Good, huh?"

She finishes. "Eh, it's okay. I still think wine tastes better."

I laugh. "Classy bitch." We both laugh together. I stare at the starry night, counting how many there are. "Hey, Y/N?" She hums. "When we were kids... were you ever, like, afraid of me or something?"

When I was younger, I had major angerment issues. At one point, our mom had to call the police because I threatened to kill her and Y/N. She looks at me, puzzled.

"Maddie, just because you have anger issues, doesn't mean I was afraid or love you less! Now that we're older, you have more control over it. I'm just proud of you, that's all." She smiles at me one last time before looking at the sky.

I instantly feel... calm.

"DON'T TELL ME TO BE FUCKING CALM, VIVIAN!!" I scream at her. That bitch, she sleeps for ten minutes and Y/N almost tried to escape! Lucky for us, I walked in at the right time. "You think I like making my sister unconscious because of your fucking ways?! No, Vivian! I really hate cleaning up for you all the goddamn time!"

"You're right, you're right! Just, okay." I smack her in the head with my gun. "Ow, what the- you know what? Never mind, I needed that."

{Larry's POV}

I wake up. What the hell happened? I look around the hazy room and see red. Lots of red. But who...



My eyes slowly open and immediately close due to a bright light. 

Hands are slammed onto a table. "Listen here, fucker! You're lucky we- no, I didn't slice your throat and feed you to the rats! Can't you just NOT escape and stay fucking still?! God... just like we were kids all over again..."

I see Aunt Carol sleeping on the other end of the table. Lucky she's a deep sleeper. The tip of the gun in pointed to my forehead and pressed up hard against it. "No. More. Escaping. Okay?"

I nod rapidly and look away as the gun slowly backs away from my forehead. Maddie sighs and sits next to me. She then starts to laugh dryly. "Y'know... you may think I'm this crazy psycho that kidnapped their own sister but... you have to understand! Y/N, I care about you so much to the point where I would die for you!" 

"Then what made you change? Why did you join all this... mess?" She sighs.

"I needed freedom. With mom and you and Aunt Carol, I just needed something to free me of this pain. My anger would built up and at times I couldn't even control them! One night, I killed someone. On accident, of course. They were watching me..."

"Who, the cult?" She nods.

"They have been observing me ever since mom called the police on me. They thought I would be a perfect fit for their 'team', and I humbly joined. They told me that they would help me feel better in their own special way. You wanna know what it was?"

"...Killing people."

"Yes! God... and let me tell you, I was amazing at it! Sometimes, cases went cold because of how good I was. They were so proud of me... something I haven't felt in a very long time. Now... I didn't feel alone. I felt freedom."

We both had tears in our eyes. "If I knew that you were going through this much pain, I would've helped. Maddie, I-"

Suddenly, a scream is heard from above us. Maddie wipes her tears away. "Stay here. I'm going to go check it out." I nod. She reloads her gun and goes upstairs. When the hatch closes, I exhale.

I really need to find a way out of here.

{a few hours later}

I wake up to a thud on the floor. My eyes widen when I see who it is. I scream in the cloth.

"Yeah, yeah. 'Oh, Larry! My sweet prince!' Relax, princess, he's fine. I just knocked him on the head juuuust right for him to pass out for a while. Which reminds me, I'm starving! Vivian, you wanna come?"

"Eh, sure." They both exit. Larry slowly starts waking up. He sees me and starts freaking out. He too is tied up in the arms and legs.

"Y/N?! What are you doing here?!" My answer is muffled, and I start to cry out of relief, anger, and fear.

How are we gonna escape now?


Hellooooooo! Sorry, this chapter is a little sucky. My ~ creative juices~ have been pretty dry at the moment. A LOT has been happening with school and personal life that I just haven't been really inspired lately. Trust me though, after finals (which is june 3-5), my mind will be up and running normally again. Again, thanks for the reader who are being really patient with these long uploads! It means a lot! Have a nice day/evening/night!! :)

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