The Contract Pt. 1

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"HELP!" I take a breath. "ANYONE?!" I take another breath. "SOMEone... please..."

I take another shaky breath. My throat is dry and soar, my head hurts like hell, and my wrists are tightly bonded. On top of it all, my sister is part of this fucking cult.

Before giving up, I yell...

{Larry's POV}

"FUUUCK!" I turn my head around. Woah. What the hell was that? My phone buzzes.

It's an unknown caller? I pick it up.


"Come to the basement if you want to save your mother's life." My eyes go wide. That sounds like-

"Madison?" The phone hangs up. Remember back in high school where I followed Y/N, Sal and Ash home from school that day? All mad and shit? Yeah. That's me. Right now.

I ran over to the elevator and inserted the basement key. The door opened minutes later and I bolted to the door. Ironically, it was unlocked. I opened the door cautiously to see what I was expecting...

Madison holding a gun up to my mothers head.


"Stop crying. Just... stop crying!God, you are such a little brat."

I look up from the floor. "Aunt Carol... please..."

"And I told you-" She gets up from her seat and over to me, raising her hand. "-TO CALL ME VIVIAN!" She slaps me, hard. I cry out in pain. She sits back down and takes out her phone.

"Maddie? Honey, it's been two hours. What on earth is taking you so long? All you had to do was get the walkie-talkies from Larry's room, that's it! For Christ's sake, if I knew it was going to take you this long I would've gotten them myself!" She looks at me. "What are you looking at?"


"Anyway, call me back." She hangs up the phone. After sighing heavily, she reaches into her pocket and grabs a cigarette. "Hey brat, want one?"

I take a peek and shake my head no. She shrugs and lights it, blowing smoke in the air.

A moment of silence goes by. "Vivian?"

She hums. "I know this is a cliche thing to ask when you're kidnapped but... why are you doing this?"

She looks at me before laughing. "Eh, might as well tell ya. You're probably gonna die anyway. When your mother and I were in our mid-20's, we wanted to seek adventure. We found Addison Apartments and decided to live there. Then, we heard about a group. We had no idea that later it would turn into the cult that is today. Then, your mother met your father, got pregnant, and decided to move away from the cult."

She started to laugh again. "She was like 'I can't raise a baby here!' Ha! If only she knew what she had coming, right?!" She continued to laugh until we heard a gunshot. Aunt Carol stoped laughing and got up, put the cigarette out, and reached for her gun.

The door opened to reveal Maddie all covered in blood. She had a black eye, bruises and red marks all over her body. The scary part about her, though, was the fact that she had a cold expression.

"Now what the fuck happened to you?!" Maddie wiped her mouth with her hand and flicked off some blood. "And who's blood is that?!"

"The woman from the basement." She then looks at me with a deeply smile. "You might know who that is, right Y/N?"

My eyes widen. "Oh my God... you killed Lisa?!"

She giggled. "Oops!" I start to fitfully move in my chair, screaming curse words and crying. "Aw, is Y/N mad?" She giggles again.

"I swear Maddie, I'm going to-"
She stops giggling and points the gun at my head with that cold expression again. I immediately stop, breathing and all.

"What, kill me? Psh, you couldn't stand a chance! Although, your boyfriend really did pack a punch! Oh well, his mother's dead now." She smiles once more.

Aunt Carol perks in. "Wait, Larry's here? Shit, Madison that's bad!"

"I know! Which means we have to do it now! But don't worry, I knocked him out by hitting him in the head with the gun. C'mon, get Y/N to the contract room now." Aunt Carol comes over to me. Before untying me, she whispers: "Try to run, and I'll shoot ya right in the throat. Or, better yet, tie you up again, put you on the operation table, and cut you open until you bleed out. Got it?"

My face drops. I sadly nod. Even if I wanted to try and escape, I'm not strong enough like Larry or smart enough like Sal. I take a shaky breath once more after Aunt Carol unties me and moves me over to "the contract room".

Hey everyone! I'm currently driving back from Key West. Also, I was gonna try and fit more for this chapter but why not leave more suspense?! I'm evil, sorry :)
Anyway, I'll probably be writing again this weekend because school is officially back! Yay. BUT the good news is that I only have a month left till summer! So, if I don't finish the series till then, then you guys will probably get more frequent uploads then. Thanks for sticking around for so long btw :))) See you soon!

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