Chapter 2: The Perv

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~Willow's POV~
I turned around to see a really tall man, he was muscular, with a nice jawline, deep blue eyes you could get lost, and dark black hair with tattoos on his neck.

He looked at me with a smirk and a cigarette in his mouth. "Well well, are you a pretty little thing." I stayed quiet not really knowing what to say, " you look a little too young to around this part of town?"

"I'm not a child sir and I don't talk to strangers like you." I said with venom in my voice it's only been a few seconds and I already don't like this fucking guy. "Well let's fix that doll face just call me Mr.King for right now?" He said in a cocky way as I rolled my eyes and said "oh well good for you, now if you'll excuse me Mr. King I need to leave my parents will be worried."

I turned on my heel and started to walked when I then heard him say "I hope to see you again and next time if I was you I wouldn't talk to me that way like you did now. So have a good night doll face and I'll make sure I see that pretty face of yours soon."

I cringed at his words and continued to walk back the way I was and started to walk home as his words still play around in my head and I try to shake them off, but it was like trying to erase pen with a pencil eraser.

I finally got home and saw my mom and dad sitting on the couch looking worried as ever.
"Oh my lord where have you been? We've been worried sick!" She yelled at the end , "I'm fine mom I just got lost and I talked to some man an-."

My dad then got up and said "a man!? Who was he!? Where!? What ddI he say to you!? I swear if he touched you-!" My dad yelled in anger I then heard my brother yell "WHAT YOU TALKED TO A MAN WHAT DID HE DO!? DID HE HURT YOU!? DID HE SAY OR TOUCH YOU BECAUSE I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL-!?"

"Calm down!" I yelled as it became quiet I then let out a sigh "he said call him Mr.King or something and he said I was pretty and he said he'd see me again or something like that."

My dad face became hard "I want you to go to your room, but your not in trouble I just need some time."

He said in a serious tone I furrowed my brow, but went up stairs anyway. I was in my room and I just got out the shower and had put on my pajamas. At the moment I'm dusting on my bed texting Layla when I then heard a knock on my door, I said "come in."

Where I was greeted by my dad who had a now soft look on his face, "hey my princess sorry I yelled at you a while ago." He apologized as he never really apologizes about anything to often.

"Its alright dad I know your always worried about me and I'm fine." I said while hugging him, "love you my baby and I was worried, but that man you said spoke to you sounds like a fucking creep and I just wanted to make sure he didn't put his hands on you or hurt you." He said while holding me tightly.

"I love you dad and thanks for protecting me."

I said as he kissed my head and said "okay good night princess and I love you too." He said while walking out the room and closing the door.

I shake my head and smile as my dad is always over protective of me ever since I could remember, I remembered one time when I was 6 this boy pushed me off a swing at the playground and my dad saw and started yelling at the boy and the kid's father came over and got cursed out at by my dad and I guessed that scared the guy and his son off. To this day people stir clear of my dad because he's known to be aggressive if someone messes with him or any of his family.

I put my phone on charge and laid in my bed as I pulled my lap string down and started to go to sleep, but I couldn't shake off the feeling like someone was looking of watching me. I put my pillow over my head and fell asleep soon after.

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