4) Confusion

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Here we go with another chapter.
Um just a fair WARNING: Suicide Attempt in this chapter. Do not read if you are sensitive to this topic. You have been warned. Also the song above works reeeeaaaaallly well for this chapter, well for the most part.


Sero's POV

Without thinking I grabbed the knife, hid it, and took it back to my room.

I opened the door, then locked it after entering. I took out the knife and put it up to my wrist starting to cut real deep not realizing the door had opened.

"Ok, ok guys. Thanks for the party. I'll see you lat-Sero! What are you doing!" He screamed but I couldn't hear him and just kept going. After a few seconds I was tackled to the ground, the knife out of my hands and thrown aside. I was so gone that I didn't realize that he had been crying.

"S-sero! W-why would y-you do t-this!? Why w-would you cut y-yourself!?" He said in between sobs.

While on the floor I looked dead. I wasn't but I looked so lifeless. But I still spoke, just barely. "I wanted it to end..."

"You w-wanted your l-life t-to end!?" He screamed but cried at the same time.

I shook my head, "No, just to end all this. The pain, the suffering, my worries. All of it. Well I guess ending my life will end all of it." I laugh a little.

"Sero..." He looked at me ever so sadly.

He's pitying you. Just like everyone else. Do you see the look in his eyes? They're full of pity. He is just pitying you as.

'He is? He... He's just like everyone else then. I thought... I thought he would be different. I wish I could've died before he came'

Try again.

I pushed off the person on top of me, got up and started to head back to the knife.

Without hesitation Kaminari tried to get the knife out of my hands before I could do anything else.

"Leave me be! I need to do this!" I yelled but sadly.

"NO! I CAN'T! I CARE ABOUT YOU!" Kaminari replied with a loud but serious tone of voice. I wanted him to shut up and leave me alone but he wouldn't listen.

I tried to push him away but that just made us both fall, him falling on top of me his lips going onto mine. (Omg... How cringy just kill me. This was supposed to be a serious moment)

I was confused as to what just happened. I just tried to kill myself yet I was kissing Kaminari. It was the first time I felt so... So safe. But I had pulled back and started to blush a little.


Denki's POV

I fell on top of Sero and was kissing him! My first kiss was with Sero. But then he pulled back. I think he was blushing but I don't know I could've been seeing things. I felt dissatisfied with just the one kiss, I wanted more but this wasn't the right moment at all.

I remembered that I was on top of him and quickly got off of him, offering a hand. "Here, let me help you up." I was surprised he grabbed my hand to get up.

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