9) Well Now...

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Sero's POV

As soon as I was waking up, I felt something nuzzling into my neck and an arm on top of my stomach, and the rest of a, which I assumed was a body, was pressed up against me which made me immediately tense up. For one reason, the hand on my stomach was a little too close to my crotch, which was concerning. For another reason, I have no idea what happened last night. I have no idea where I am. Did I go out yesterday? Did I pick someone up and bring them here or something? More importantly did I drink!? At this age!? I do not know. All that went through my mind while still half asleep. I had no idea who this was, I assumed it was a girl because how small and slim the body felt when pressed up against the side of me. Not to be weird or anything but it kind of feels nice.

After debating for a long time on looking at the person next to- well basically on me I decided to look. I turned to look at the person, and saw it was Kaminari and freaked out. I fell off the bed and yelped. Of course this time, Kaminari decided not to sleep as long as he did yesterday which was just great. "W-what happened!?" He jumped out of bed and went into a defense mode.

"Nothing. I just fell out of bed that's all." I said, totally forgetting that we were on a trip, and that we shared a bed because there was only one. I got up, looked at Kaminari, and remembered what had just happened. My face started to heat up and I looked away.

"Oh. Well, are you ok?" He asked not as defensive as before and started to yawn.

"Yep. It's fine, I mean I'm fine." I said trying to be calm about this situation.

"Well as long as you're alright then." He went to go back and lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. "Did you sleep good Sero?" He asked.

That made me remember the events that occurred, which then caused me to go red again. "Y-yep. I did. It was a great night sleep in fact. I slept so great I forgot that we were on a trip." I nervously laughed, and so did Kaminari. "So, a-anyway um d-did you have a good night s-sleep?" I asked, still a bit nervous, okay maybe really nervous.

"Oh yea I had a great night sleep too. I was really comfortable and warm." Kaminari.

I scoffed, then murmured, "Yea because you we're on me..."

"Did you say something?" He asked sitting back up right and looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Nope. I didn't say anything." I smiled.

"Oh, well we should probably get ready for today." I nodded and we both got up, got dressed, and headed to the lobby.

As we got there, everyone was already there, chatting away. Everyone was asking everyone who got the suite. Which again reminded me of earlier. But I got the courage to say, "We got the suite." Everyone turned to look at us and asked us what the price we had to pay is. "Well uh, we have to um... We have to share a bed." I said looking away from everyone. Everyone was silent.

"So you're saying last night, the both of you? The bother of you shared a bed?" Jirou asked, I just nodded.

Out of nowhere what I recognized as Mina, said, "I ship it!" She squealed.

I immediately started to blush. It's something that is a regular thing for me today. I don't like it. It's only happening with Kaminari, I've slept with other guys before, not sexually people. Geez, get your heads out of the gutter. But anyway I have and this has never happened before and is bothering me. I don't know what it is.

"Awww, look Sero is blushing!" Mina just had to point out. Everyone looked at me, of course including Kaminari. I saw he was blushing too. He tried to hide it before I could see it but failed at it. I laughed at that mentally, I was thinking he looked cute when he blushed. Not really knowing I had just called Kaminari cute.

An 'ahem' got everyone's attention. Everyone stopped bothering us about us sharing one bed and looked at the person who made that noise. It was none other than Mr. Aizawa. "So, I know you guys are just so eager to get out there and train so I'll make this quick. Everyone pick a partner so I can finish talking. You have 30 seconds." With that everyone started to scramble around to find the one they wanted to work with. Everyone had chose their partners with 5 seconds to spare. "Alright, everyone happy with the partner you're with?" Everyone said, "Yes." in unison. "Great so now I know a lot of you aren't so great with communication skills so I want you and your partner to go out and explore, get to know each other, and do whatever it is you do. Also, this is more of a relaxing training trip than it usually would be. Your welcome, I literally just really wanted to sleep for a good while." Everyone was happy at this until Mr. Aizawa spoke again, "One more thing, I want you to have notes on each other, whether it's on paper, on your phone, or encrypted into your brain. Now be back by 5 pm. It's currently, 8:49 am, you have 8 hours and 11 minutes. So goodbye." He waved and everyone ran out of the hotel.

Oh and yea, I guess you were all wondering who my partner is. Well, you guessed it, Kaminari is my partner, great just great.

"So, Kaminari where would you like to go?" I asked.

"Well, I guess we can just take a stroll around and maybe say a little bit about ourselves that the other doesn't know." He casually said. Like that's gonna be easy to talk about, well maybe for him but not for me.

But being the idiot that I am, I said, "Yeah, sure, that sounds great." We both went out of the hotel and for a few minutes just walked in silence.

As soon as I got the courage to say something, I got interrupted. "Well now, what have we here?"


Word Count: 1130

Wowza, well on that note I'm glad that I have done the next chapter so goddamn fast! I'm proud of myself even though my chapters seem to suck even more the more I progress. Anyways as always, I will see in the next chapter.


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