5) The Past

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Welcome back to another chapter! Thanks to you if you are reading my chapters! It means a lot that you would actually read my crap story.


Sero's POV

A week had passed by since the incident. Me and Kami have grown a lot closer. I finally have a true friend that I can rely on. I've been hanging out with the squad to, but it just feels different with Kami. I feel closer to him than anyone else, well besides my mom.

He hasn't told anyone 'bout it and I'm so glad he hasn't. I don't wanna be bombarded with questions. If I was then I would have fainted. It wouldn't have been pretty.

Now that I think 'bout it, it has been quiet lately. Everything seems to be going well. I feel like there was something that was missing but I couldn't put a finger on it.

Heyo Sero. Did ya miss me? It seems like you've forgotten me.

Ah, that's what was missing. The annoying voice in my head. 'Ugh, why can't you just stay quiet?

If I stayed quiet, that wouldn't be very fun.

'Just go away. You're annoying as hell. I don't need you anymore, I have someone that helps me better than you could ever do.'

Hah! Who!? The blondy!? If he's SO much better than me then is he helping with the pain!? Is it gone!? No, no it isn't! I told you how to get rid of it yet you ignore me!

'I don't wanna kill myself! That's the problem! I don't wanna end my life! So just shut up already!'

Oh? You sure?

'Of course I'm fucking sure! Now leave me the hell alone!'

Fine. I'll be here when you need me.

He left me alone as promised. Then I remembered that I was in class not paying attention when Mr. Aizawa was standing in front of me and slammed a bunch of papers on my desk causing me to jump.

"It seems you weren't paying attention Sero. I won't be explaining it again so ask someone around you. But first hand these papers out. I'm going to sleep." Mr. Aizawa then goes in his sleeping bag in the corner and falls asleep pretty quickly.

I got up and started passing out the papers to everyone, leaving one on my desk before giving everyone else one.

After I finished with that, I sat down and looked at the paper, shocked. "Is this... Is this a trick!? D-do my eyes d-decieve me!? W-we're going t-t-to K-Kyoto!?" I was so shocked that we were going to Kyoto. I didn't wanna go.

"Yep! We're going to Kyoto! Sadly it's mandatory so there's no getting out of it. Phooey! I reeeeeaaaallyy don't wanna gooo." Kami whined.

"I don't wanna go either, I'm too lazy to go." I laughed. I lied knowing the real reason I didn't want to go to Kyoto. Let me tell you why.


"Hahaha! What a loser. Why are you still trying? You know you'll just fail regardless! It's not like your quirk is gonna be of any help Tapey." (There are 2 different guys fyi)

"Such a loser. He doesn't know how to do anything right. You shouldn't even be at this school, your quirk sucks."

"How did you even get into this school office supplies? Did you do something special to get in?"

"He probably did. Ugh what a bitch boi."

They went back and forth, I couldn't defend myself because I knew that if I did, I would've gotten even more beaten up than I already was so I kept my mouth shut the whole time, not saying anything. This would happen every day and I did nothing about it. They were always taller than me so I was always at a disadvantage in that, plus it was 2 vs 1 there was absolutely no chance that I was ever in hell gonna win.

~end of flashback~

But it's different now, I'm taller and a bit braver. But not brave enough to go back. I don't wanna go back there, too many bad memories there.

I was spacing out again because I didn't realize that Kami was waving his hand in front of my face.

"Are you back? You weren't here for awhile." He chuckled.

"Yea I'm back. I was just thinking about something." I smiled.

"What were you thinking about? He asked curious, and man the face he was making was cute. I-I mean pfft no it wasn't cute.

"The past." I smiled and started to head out of the classroom to our room, Kami following behind me.

"So uh Sero, since we're already roomies back here, do ya wanna be room together over there as well?" Kami asked nervously, I don't know why he was nervous but oh well.


Denki's POV

I asked if he wanted to be roomates and I was nervous he was going to say no. I really wanted to be roomie for when we went to the hotel over in Kyoto.

"Sure, I guess." He shrugged. But I was happy that he said yes. I can't believe I get to spend 3 whole days with my bro over in Kyoto! I mean I see him all the time here but it's Kyoto! I heard we're going to Kyoto Avanti! I heard it's nice there.

"Yay! Thanks! I would have had to go with Mineta if you said no, and ugh. I don't wanna go with him. I mean sometimes he annoys me." I say making a disgusted face. Then Sero laughs. "Why're you laughing?"

"I'm laughing at the fact that even you don't even like Mineta much." He smiles.

"Hmph, well he gets on my nerves a little bit." We get to the dorm and Sero just flops on his bed saying he's gonna crash and that's exactly what he does, he falls asleep immediately after laying down. I giggle at it his sleeping face, and then I start thinking that it's almost time for the trip. It's gonna be in 2 months, I can't wait. Then I finally lay on my bed and fall asleep myself.


Word Count: 1070

Aaaaand that's a wrap for this chapter! Thanks for reading this if you even did! If I made any mistakes, just comment me on my mistakes. And as always, I'll see you in the chapter!


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