24) He's A Problem

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Sero's POV

For a solid 5 years things in our family had been going great. Hiroki is now 10 years old. He became more confident as the years passed. Thanks to Denki for he had more confidence than me. (Felt that. At least you have some confidence; I have no confidence...)

I woke up at the sound of a noisy alarm. I turned the damn thing off and got dressed for work. It's not like I don't like my job. I do love my job. What I hate is waking up. I want to sleep in, but unfortunately I can't. I headed off to work after giving Denki and Hiroki a kiss on their foreheads.

When I got to the agency it has very hectic. More hectic than usual. I saw Diago talking to a man (if you don't remember him go back to 'The Signing' chapter) and went up to him to ask what the hell was going on here so early in the morning. "Hey Diago what's going on in here??"

"Oh thank goodness you're here Cellophane! What's going on is that we just got word from a few other hero agencies to be on guard from now on as there is a new villain around and is causing chaos. We were instructed to tell you this and to tell you to proceed to Endeavor's hero agency as there will be a meeting held there with any heroes that can make it." He said not taking one damn breath till after he finished.

"Thank you for telling me Diago. I will head over there right now." I said.

°Time Skip°

As soon as I got to Endeavor's agency I was immediately met by Shouto. "Hey Shouto this must be pretty serious considering we have to have a meeting. We've never had one before. Well since we've been heroes." I said.

"Yes. This is pretty serious. This new villain is a massive problem. He or she needs to be stopped immediately." He said in a serious voice with a serious look. I simply nod and we both head to the conference room. When we got to the conference room there was all the classmates I graduated with, including the 3 Big Three (Mirio still has his powers here). A great number of pro heroes from when we were still in high school. Eraserhead, Present Mic, Best Jeanist, Midnight, Fatgum, Mt. Lady, and more. (Sorry these are the only ones that I thought off the top of my head 😅) I mean I'm glad I get to see all of them but I wish this was under better circumstances.

"So let's talk about this villain." Best Jeanist states. "This 'Overturn' as he calls himself or whatever is causing a lot of problems. We need to stop him and fast. If we don't then it'll just get worse."

"No shit Jeanist." Ground Zero says.

"I was just stating the obvious. No need to be rude." Best Jeanist said glaring at Bakugou. Bakugou just waved him off.

"Best Jeanist does makes a great point. Not stopping him now could result in more casualties if we wait." I say.

"Yes. So the sooner the better. Just talking right now could result in some civilians' death." Shouto said that and the room became more tense. "That is why I have took it upon myself on devising a plan to make this go faster." He said and paused waiting for anyone to say something, yet that never happened. "If all of you want to we can go to different locations to survey the area but of course we'll be with one partner. I have decided the partners and if you are not happy with who you are partnered with too bad. You need to deal with it." As he said the last part he looked at Bakugou who just 'tch' and looked away. "Does anyone object?" He waited and no one objected. "Ok good. Now let me announce your partners." Shouto said.


I ended up getting partnered with Red Riot which I was fine with since he's my friend. "You ready to head out Red?" I ask him.

"Yea! I just want to catch this villain. He's not acting very manly." He said.

"Yea it's not very plus ultra of him," I said. Kiri and I started laughing at that.

"Good one Cellophane." He said wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. "But from now on we need to be on the lookout for the new villain named Overturn." He said.

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make a joke, but I know this is serious. I will be taking this seriously." I said. "Anyway let's get to the location we were given," I said and he nodded.


As soon as we started our lookout in our designated area there was a massive explosion a couple of blocks away. Kiri and I looked at each other and then we both nodded as I held out my hand for him to hold as I used my quirk to get the both of us there faster.

When we got there, there had been a maniac laughing loudly while wrecking the place. He also screamed, "I AM OVERTURN!! YOUR NEWEST WORSEST NIGHTMARE!!" Then proceeded to laugh maniacally.

"Should we go ahead and tell everyone we found him?" Kiri said.

"Yeah. Hopefully, they can get here fast before he moves on. Go ahead and tell them." I say. He then goes ahead and contacts everyone.

A few minutes pass while he's wrecking everything until he stops and looks right at us. "Oh shit, he's seen us!" I say. Kiri looks up to see that guy giving a menacing aura. He starts to smile at us, but he smiles very eerily. I see a lot of things by being a hero, but he is on a whole other level.

He started to walk towards us and in a second he disappeared. I didn't know where he went until I felt bloodlust come from behind me. I turned around to see him standing right behind me. In a second he powerfully kicked me and Kiri at the same time with a bunch of the roof that we were on. I swear I felt a crack in my body. I dulled the blow on the floor by using my quirk, and I saw Kirishima was hardened.  I stood back up and coughed up some blood from when he kicked me. I then wiped most of the blood off with my hand.

"Well hello, heroes. It's nice of you to drop by. Oh, what an honor it is to kill two heroes at once! You should also be honored that you'll be killed by me!" He said.

"Hah! Do you really think you could take the both of us on at once? That's a fat chance." I say.

"Oh how I love heroes! You heroes think that just by outnumbering me that you can beat me. It's no use tape hero Cellophane. You and Red Riot cannot defeat me. It's useless." He says.

"It's not useless you villain." I hear Kirishima say as he himself gets up. "To protect the civilians is what we do. We aren't going to back down unless we know that they're safe, and if that means that we have to take you down then so be it. Either you come quietly or we'll take you down the hard way." Kirishima said.

"Hah! Like I'll come with you willingly. Come at me heroes." He said. Kirishima ran towards him while I backed him up in case he needed it.

We really should've waited for the other heroes.


Word Count: 1299

Well, your thoughts on this chapter?

As always I will see you in the next chapter. :)


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