20) Wedding Day

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Ok before y'all start hating on me, I've never been to a same sex wedding so just bare with me.


Sero's POV

Today was the day. Kaminari was getting ready at his mom's house while I got ready here. But I was so nervous today that I was being clumsy all day. Earlier when opening the bathroom door, my big toe hit the edge of it, and believe me when I say it hurt like hell. I also spaced out and burned my breakfast this morning, I tripped over nothing, need I say more?

I needed to calm down. I took a deep breath in, and then let it out slowly. I felt better after doing that and turned and walked straight into a wall. "I need Mina right now. She'd know just what to say at a time like this." I texted her "Emergency! Help!" And she responded with a "Be there in 5 minutes."

I waited for Mina to come and she did come really soon. I heard my doorbell ring and got up and opened it immediately. As soon as it opened, Mina came in and asked, "What happened!? Are you ok? Are you backing out!? Please tell me your not-" I cut her off from all this nonsense.

"MINA!! CALM YOURSELF WOMAN!" I yelled and she became silent. I sighed. "I'm not backing out, why would I do that? Nevermind, don't answer. Why I called you here was because I need your help calming me down. I've been such a klutz today. I am stressed because I'm getting married." I explained to her.

"Oh, is that it?" She asked. I nodded. "If that's the case," She cleared her throat and put her hands on my shoulders, "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!!" She said whole shaking me.

"But-" I said.

"NO BUTS! YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED!! TO NONE OTHER THAN OUR DANK MEMER KAMINARI!!" She then paused before continuing, this time not yelling, "You have nothing to worry about Sero. This wedding will go great, I promise. So stop worrying, you worry wart. I will make sure of it. Mama Mina has got it under control." She smiled.

"You're right. I trust you the most. I'll leave it to you. Thank you Mina." I hugged her.

"It's no problem bro. Anything for you and the rest of the Bakusquad." She hugged me back but quickly pulled away. "Now, go get ready! You have a wedding to get to!" She said and I nodded. "I'll see you there, I need to get ready myself, I stopped midway to help you out." She said.

"Sorry about that Mina." I said.

"Don't worry about it. I was happy to help." She smiled and then left my apartment. Then I soon started getting ready for my wedding.

°Time Skip°

When I finished getting ready for my own wedding, I had drove to where my we were getting married at. Mina was going to pick up Kaminari.

Once I got there, everyone was clapping even though nothing had even happened yet. I smiled and waved at them before heading to the spot where I was supposed to wait, waiting for Kami to make his entrance.

Then I got a phone call.

I looked to see who was calling, it was Mina, and picked up. "Mina? What's up?" I asked.

She laughed a little weirdly, then said, "Well, how do I put it... We have a slight problem..."

Now my anxiety was back. "W-what's wrong?" I asked nervously.

"Kaminari can't find his pants..." She said.

My anxiety was gone now. "He can't find his pants!?" I laughed. "Oh my god. Tell him to check underneath his bed? He usually loses a lot of his things under there."

"Lemme tell him to look. Hold up... KAMINARI LOOK UNDER YOUR BED YOU FUCKER!! ...Ok I told him." She said. I started laughing uncontrollably and had to sit down.

"Oh. My. God. Mina, this is why you're so amazing and my friend." I told her.

"I know." She proudly said. "Oh, he found it! Thanks Sero!" Then she hung up before I got to respond.

Well, now all I got to do is wait.

°Time Skip°

"HE'S HERE, GUYS HE'S HERE!!" I heard someone, probably Kirishima, yelling. I stood up straight and waited for Kaminari to come in.

Then he did. He came in looking as handsome and adorable as ever.

As he walked down the aisle, for some weird reason it seemed so slow. As soon as he got right beside me I took his hands in mine. I glanced at him a couple of times while the priest said what he was supposed to say at weddings. I waited until the vows very patiently. "Now for your vows. Who wants to go first?" The priest asked.

"I'll go first." I said. "You know Denki I remembered all the memories that we had together. The good, the bad, all of it. High school was surely something," He laughed at that and I continued, "but I am so glad I moved schools and found amazing friends because now I owe my life to you. You changed my life for the better, and I'm glad you did. I would not be standing here if it weren't for you Kaminari Denki, yet I am. You have saved me from the past that I was stuck in. The past that I couldn't let go of. You are the one thing I could count on, more than anyone else. I was so grateful to have met a nice, caring, adorable person like you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life whether good or bad with you. I love you. " I smiled at the end. He was crying. Are you crying? Well if you are, then I did a great job at making my vows.

"Oh my god Hanta... Why did you have to make your vows sound amazing? Mine won't compete against yours." He said while wiping his tears.

"It's fine. I didn't even expect it myself. I just said what was on my mind." I smiled at him.

"Oh god Hanta, you are too good for me. Now onto my vows." He cleared his throat. "My beloved Hanta I love you so much. Here I am, standing in front of you on this day getting married to one of the best people on the planet. I wouldn't trade you for the world. We will have our ups and downs but we will always keep pushing through. You are my best friend till the day we die, and even after we die you will always be my best friend and the one for me." He finished. Now it was my turn to cry.

I hugged him, "What do you mean your vows won't compete against mine? That was even better than my vows. I could just kiss you!" So I did.

"Woah there Nelly! Hold on! We're not at that part yet!" The priest said, and I stopped.

"Sorry..." I said.

"It's alright. Ok Sero repeat everything I say. I nodded.

°Time Skip to the I do's because I'm too lazy°

"Do you Sero Hanta take Kaminari Denki to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I replied.

Do you Kaminari Denki take Sero Hanta to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Kaminari replied.

"Alright, now the rings." The ring bearer brought it to us. I took the one that I would put on Kaminari's finger and Kaminari took the other one. I put the ring on his finger and he put the other ring on my finger. "Now I pronounce you married. Hanta Sero and Denki Sero. You may kiss the other."

We kissed and everyone clapped.


Word Count: 1339

Well, I got through this chapter as best as I could. If it wasn't that good, I'm sorry. But I'm just trying to get to the really good part! Which will be in-
As always I will see you in the next chapter. :)


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