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Ya yeet. Y'all already know so enjoy! I have an OC yay! It's Sero's older brother. And also yea I was and keep getting sick and then better. It's a never ending cycle while I was writing this. So I went to get ma rest this time.


Denki's POV

It was the day before we left for Kyoto, otherwise known as known as Sunday. Meaning we had to get up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow plus it was gonna be a Monday, Yay! God, I hate Mondays so damn much. Why couldn't we go to school on a Tuesday instead of Monday? No actually why was school even made? School sucks butt! But ya know, at least we get to go on field trips like this one.

I was finishing packing for tomorrow because if I know that if I didn't pack now, I would be rushing to pack tomorrow. It's only 1:30 pm and I'm so excited for tomorrow. I can't wait for tomorrow! I'm gonna go and have the best 3 days with my bro. I don't know why I'm so excited to spend the 3 days with my bro, I mean we see each other every day but it just feels like I can't live without him. We've only known each other for 2 months or so but I feel warm when he's by me. I don't know why that is, but maybe I'll find out soon enough. Who knows.

I see Sero is still sleeping so I jump on top of him (don't think dirty thoughts dirty minded people) to wake his ass up. I heard him say oof before throwing me off him and off of the bed. He gives me a death glare but I just laugh. "That's what you get for sleeping past 12."

His eyes widen as he hears that and starts giving me questions. "Twelve!? It's past twelve already!? What time is it!?

"If ya would be quiet for a few seconds then I can tell you!" He nods, I sigh and look at my phone and tell him the time. "It's 1:37 pm. Now get up."

"1:37!? I gotta get dressed! I gotta be somewhere at 2 o'clock!"He tried to get up but ended up falling on the floor but soon got back up again and started to change his clothes. First, he took off his shirt and wow was he ripped. I mean he sleeps most of the time, and he's so lazy just like Mr. Aizawa! Why can't I have a body like his?

Anyway, he stretched and as he did I could see he had quite a lot of scars on his body but I didn't question them, I figured it would make things akward. But lucky me, at the time I could also see his v-line and man was it perfect. You know what they say, the deeper the v-line, the bigger the... Well y'know what I'm saying. 

Soon after, I realize that I was staring for too long and started to blush. Sero saw me and walked over to me but he still didn't have his shirt on yet, so I was about to die from this. "Hey Kami, are you alright? I'm just asking because your face is red. Are you sick?" He worriedly asked.

"I-I'm fine. Totally f-fine. I'm not s-sick. I swear." I was about to explode, he was WAY too close. If he was any closer, I would've died.

But wait, there's more. He goes and completely kills me. This is what he does, he puts his hand on my head. "Hmm, well you're right, you aren't sick. Tha- Kaminari!? Your nose is bleeding!"

"What!?" I panicked. 'Oh crap, I'm like one of those people in anime. Also now... Now I got a problem on my lower half... How great...' I turn around quickly and say, "I-I'm fine. I-I'll take care of it. I'll be f-fine." I run to the bathroom to take care of my nose and my lower half.

-time skip to after that-

I come back out and find Sero had finished changing, thankfully enough for me because if he wasn't then well you know, I would die completely. So glad I left before he started to change his pants, I would've literally died then and there.

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