7) The Deep Sleeper & Gaga

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Let's just get it started I'm not gonna make excuses, I was just really lazy when writing this chapter and oh, enjoy :)


Sero's POV

Today was the day, the day we start our trip. I'm not excited to go, but I don't have a choice. But hey, at least this time I have friends with me. Everything is going to be fine, I'm sure of it. (Foreshadowing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Also by going here, I might be able to face my fears if I do come across them.

I got up around 4:25, five minutes before my alarm went off, god I hate when that happens! It really pisses me off that nothing goes right for me. I cursed that I got up five minutes early, got up anyway and began getting ready.

I finished getting ready barely now realizing that Kaminari is still asleep. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping but he needs to wake up now before we leave without him, so you know what I do? I do the exact same thing he did to me while I was sleeping peacefully. I jump on him.

I do jump on him but he doesn't wake up, he just moved slightly and said while crossing his fingers to look like a cross, "Be gone thot." I snickered at that and decided to grab a pillow and hit him with it till he woke up but my plan wasn't exactly working on him. He would still not get up.

I was very annoyed by this because man it was a real struggle to wake Kami up. You really did not want to be the one to wake him up. It's like he's in a coma. I mean you could try but there is no way in hell you're waking Kaminari up. He won't wake up even if the world was ending. I tried everything! I literally gave up by this point. I was done so I leaned down and grabbed my pack of clothes for these few days and back straight up to see Kaminari sitting on the bed and I jumped.

"My god! What the hell!! Why is it when I'm not looking at you, you finally wake up!?" I say rather fast.

"Huh?" He says still half asleep.

I sigh, "I was trying to wake you up yet you wouldn't wake up. You just randomly woke up like I wasn't just doing everything possible to wake you up for the past 10 minutes! You could literally ask anyone who has been reading this and they could tell you it's true!"

"Oh, sorry about that Sero. I've been told that sometimes it's hard to wake me up sometimes. Also what do you mean by anyone who has been reading this?" He said.

"Never mind that, just hurry up and get ready, I'll meet you when you finish getting ready." I said and then he nodded.


Time went by, and the van to the airport arrived and Kaminari still hadn't come down and so instead of waiting on him to get down here, I got into the van and sat all the way in the back of the van in the left corner and put on my headphones, connected it to my phone and went into Pandora and put on Lady Gaga radio, and shut up, she's a great singer. I mean the movie she was in, A Star Is Born, was a great and beautiful movie. Her and Bradley Cooper were so amazing in that movie. I couldn't have asked for more

(Guys tbh really, it was amazing, if you haven't seen it, you really should.)

Soon after doing that, this and the other van were almost filled up and I gave up on Kaminari that point. I laid my head against the window and sighed.

The two vans were getting ready to leave and I see that Kaminari was running to the van and jumped in the van and ended up on also while jumping in, jumped on Jirou and I could see she was blushing for a half a second before throwing Kaminari off of her.

He apologized and sat next to her, I was gonna say finally to him but he was already talking to Jirou. I didn't want to ruin their moment together. I didn't make myself known that I was there, I was just listening to music, looking out the window watching as we passed some cars, still on Lady Gaga Radio.

I looked back at Kaminari and Jirou, they were laughing together. I smiled. They look good together, they'll make a good couple if they become a couple, they'll be happy too. If and when they do, I'll congratulate him on getting a girlfriend. I mean it's the least I can do, he's done so much for me. I could never thank him enough. I would do anything for him, even risk my life for him.

I soon closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep since this car ride to the airport could take some time.


Word Count: 882

Sorry not sorry that it was short. I couldn't think of how to put this chapter together so that it sounded right and made sense. Also I may have been a bit lazy haha.


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