26) Smile

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Italicized is Sero typing...

I know its been more a few months but... here we are!

Enjoy~ Or don't. It's really up to you in the end :)

Word Count: 4,810


Sero's POV

I woke up to see I was in the hospital. I looked around the room to see so many wires around me, and they were hooked into me. I looked over to the door as I saw it was opening. It was a nurse that walked in. She looked at me shocked and she ran out of the room. Soon a few other nurses and doctors rushed in. They did what doctors would do in this situation. They asked questions.

Thing is, I couldn't respond to them. Instead of giving out a reply I just I coughed out blood. Let me just say it wasn't a pleasant experience. My stomach hurt so much. I saw other people coming in, no sorry barging in. It was Kiri and Bakugou. The doctors exited the room at that time.

"Sero! You're awake! Oh, thank goodness! Katsuki he's awake!" Kirishima said relieved. "Sero how are you feeling?" He asked.

I tried to respond, but to no avail, I couldn't. I clenched my teeth in anger because I couldn't respond. It was frustrating.

"Sero? Can you not talk?" Kiri asked. I shook my head 'no' because I couldn't. "Ah, I have an idea. Can you move your hands?" Kiri asked. I nodded my head 'yes'. "Ok, then type on my phone." He said.

Kiri handed me his phone and I typed something out and handed it back to him. It said, "When you got knocked out Overturn choked me to the point where I guess he injured my vocal cords. If he really wanted to, he could've choked me to death, but instead did something far worse." Kiri handed me his phone after they read it just in case I wanted to type other things.

"Oh shit. That is bad. Can't the old hag fix that?" Bakugou asked.

"I don't think she can, and even if she can it will still take a toll on Sero's body. He's already badly injured. I don't think we should risk that." Kiri explained. "Then again I don't think that's my decision. It's up to you in the end." Kiri said looking at me.

"I don't think it's just my decision. It's also Denki's since we're together, and this is very risky considering it's my life we're talking about. Wait, now that I think about it where is Denki?" I typed out on Kiri's phone.

Kiri and Bakugou didn't say anything. They just looked away.

"Guys? Does he know I'm here in the hospital?" I typed out. Kiri looked at the phone.

"No..." Kiri said. "We both didn't have the heart to tell him. At least not until we knew for sure if you were gonna make it or not. Sorry..." Kiri apologized.

"No need to be sorry. I completely understand. If it was either of you on this bed I would've waited to tell the other as well." I typed out.

"Well, now that you're alright we can tell him instead of avoiding telling him you were in the hospital all this time," Bakugou said.

"Wait, how long have I been out, and what did you tell him?? Also, what would you have told him if it'd be longer than a week!?" I typed out.

"Well you have actually been out for about a week, and we told him you were on an important mission that required a lot of focus. I mean we technically didn't lie. You were on a mission, and that was on focusing on not dying. I'm so glad that you didn't end up dying, and if you were out longer for a week or two we'd hide the truth from him for as long as we could." Kiri said.

Smile [Mostly Kamisero]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz