8) Oh?

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Just go on and read, I have nothing to say.


Kaminari's POV

As soon as Sero left, I looked at the clock and realized it wasn't that late so I just flopped back down on the bed and closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them back up again. I looked at the clock again to see I had been sleeping for quite a while, and so I got ready immediately and as soon as I finished, I grabbed my stuff and ran outside and jumped into one of the two vans outside that would take us to the airport and landed on Jirou.

At that moment I knew, I fucked up.

She threw me off of her and I apologized for what just happened and sat right, putting on my seatbelt.

We started talking about things, and soon started laughing together but something didn't seem right, like something was missing. It was a weird feeling and I didn't like it.


We got to the airport, grabbed our luggage and started for the plane until I stopped. Something, no someone was missing. I realize it was Sero that was missing. How could I forget about Sero!? I guess I was just too distracted by Jirou that I forgot about my friend. "What kind of friend am I?" I muttered to myself and have my hands on my head.

Not paying attention to my surroundings, someone comes up from behind me and says, "Lost?" In a whisper and deep gravely voice. Chills went down my spine and on instinct I turned and threw a punch, for it only to be stopped. I was relieved to see it was Sero and not some creepy old dude.

He was smirking. "You totally thought I was some creepy old dude didn't you?" He said with his normal voice, still smirking.

I frowned. "You scared the hell out of me!"

He said, "You aren't denying it." Still smirking. "So it's true isn't it? You thought I was huh?"

"That's beside the point! Where were you this whole time?" I said maybe a little too fast.

"Woah, calm down." He chuckled and put his hands up in defense. "I was in the same van as you, you just didn't see me because you were too busy talking to Jirou. I didn't want to innterupt your moment with her. You seemed happy."

"Oh..." I said, a little disappointed he didn't intervene. "Well thanks for doing that Sero." I smiled.

"No problem. But um... We should probably get to the plane before we're left behind." He pointed towards the airport.

"Oh yea, you're right. Let's go!" We both grabbed our thingy thing things and headed for our plane.

Once on the plane we both were out of breath because we ran, barely making it inside. "Whew, good thing we didn't get left behind." Sero said.

"Yeah, if we did get left behind, we'd have been screwed." I laughed a little out of breath and sat down next to Sero who had just sat down as well. I sat in the middle seat while Sero sat next to the window.

"Yea we would've been so screwed. But we aren't so that's good." He said smiling. "Ok I don't know about you but I'm still tired as hell so I'm sleeping on this plane." He smiled, closed his eyes, and put his head back while I just chuckled a bit.

"Well good night then. I'll wake you up when we're there." He nodded and I also leaned my head back. Little did I know, I would not be able to keep that promise.

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