15) I Am Your Father

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Sero's POV

"Denki?" I said still on my knees. He calmly walked up to me and got on his knees and hugged me. I hugged him back tight as if it was the end of the world.

"Surprise." He said.

"I-I can't believe you're here. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I said as calmly as I possibly could at the time.

"I wanted to surprise you. I didn't want to go and ruin the surprise. Kiri helped me with it with the text message he sent to you." Kaminari said.

"Well whatever. I'm just glad you're back. I missed you so much." I said.

"I know. I missed you too. But thanks for letting me go with my family, I know it was hard. But like you said, family is real important." He said.

"Well to be honest, I didn't want you to go but I knew it was for the best." I said honestly.

"Why didn't you tell me this before I left!? I would've-" I cut him off.

"You would've what? Stayed here? No, you couldn't. Kaminari I already told you, you had to go." I told him.

"Yea, yea. I know. Now, can we go over and sit down?" He asked, laughing a bit.

"Yeah. Let's sit down." I replied heading over to where Kirishima was sitting and sat in the chair across from Kirishima and Kaminari next to me. "Thank you Kiri for this." I thanked Kirishima.

"Your welcome Sero. Anyway, I have things to do so I'll leave you two alone." He smirked, got up and left.

I turned to face Kaminari. I opened my mouth to say something but my phone started to ring. "One moment." I said to Kaminari. He nodded and I answered the phone, "Hello, Mom. What do you need?"

"Hey honey. I was calling to say that um... Um..."

"Just spit it out. I'm a bit busy. I'm sure it's not too bad." I say.

"Well, it's your dad. He wants to see you. But don't worry, your brother and I will be there with you."

My face turns pale, my hands start to shake, and I almost drop my phone. But I don't. I clench my hands before continuing. "After all this time, he wants to see me? Me!? After all the crap he's put me through!?!?" I yell, causing everyone to look at me. But I don't care at this point.

"Yes. I know it's selfish of him. But please honey, see him. At least this once and you won't ever have to see him again, I promise."

"Look mother. He scarred my life for good. So forgive me but I am not seeing him ever again in my fucking life!" I yell, end the call, shove my phone back into my pocket of my costume, and stormed out of the cafe forgetting Kaminari was even there. I speed-walked off not knowing where I was going, just kept going and going until I stopped. I looked around and I knew where I was. The place where I hate the most because of the one person there. The place my dad was being held.

Even though I said I would never see him, I walk inside and ask to see Sero Musata. The lady at the desk nodded, and took me to his room. I took a deep breath and went inside. "Hello father." I said, politely and standing up straight.

He turned to look at me and I gulped. I was shaking, scared more than I should be. I waited for his reaction in seeing me, and he smiled like I've never seen before and to be honest, that terrified me because I had no idea what his intentions were. He walked toward me, and stood right in front me. I tried to not just punch him in the face as hard as I could at the time. I held back all the anger, and the tears as much as I could, waiting for the reaction that would be on his face. His reaction absolutely shocked me. He hugged me and said, "Hello son. I'm glad you came. I wanted to see you."

"Why?" I ask, pushing him off of me.

"I can't see my son?" He answers my question with a question.

I scoff, "Let me rephrase that. Why after all this time, do you wanna see me? Me!?" I yell.

He sighs, "I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for everything but you have to understand-" I cut him off.

"Sorry!? You're sorry!? I will not understand. You made my life a living hell!!" I yelled at him

"Son, do not yell. This is a hospital. There are other people here." He says.

I calm down and take a deep breath in, and then out. "Look father. There is nothing you can say or do that will fix this. I just wanted you to know that." I say as quiet as I could in this moment.

He just smiles, which makes me so mad that he is. "I know that you're upset but hear me out." He pauses waiting for my permission and I just look at him. He continues, "I was hard on you so that once you got older, you'd be tougher. I was afraid that if I didn't, you would be weak." He explained.

"So wait a minute, are you telling me that you tortured me through the years was so I that I would be tougher?" I asked and he nodded. "Bull crap!" I yell. "I mean even if you were, there were a crap ton more of different ways you could've done it. I was a kid dad! A kid! That really messes with a person's mentality when being tortured almost every day of your life!"

"Well, you got a backbone now don't you? You became a hero, and now you're even yelling at me." He said, a bit proud of himself.

"You think this is because of you? No, don't you dare think that because none of this was your doing." I told him.

"If not me, then who? Your mother, or your brother?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No, it wasn't them either. When I started U.A. there was someone who believed in me, someone who fixed me. He never gave up on me, he helped me through so much crap. He helped me get over my depression and my suicidal thoughts just by being there for me," I paced across the room, going back and forth. "More than you ever fucking could do in your whole goddamn life. You hear me father!?" I yelled at him.

He frowned. "Stop yelling, and just who is this 'he'? What is he to you?" He asked.

"You don't get to ask questions father. Not after everything you did." My eyes we're beginning to become blurry.

"That's fair." He said. I hated that he was so calm about this. It was like he was expecting something like this from me, and it was extremely tedious.

I bit my lip in frustration. "By the way, he is my best friend and boyfriend." I told him and walked out of his room, not waiting for his answer or reaction, and slammed the door behind me. I walked out of the hospital with a whole bunch of emotions welled up inside of me. I walked out of the hospital so fast that when I stepped out that door, I crashed into someone.

I immediately apologized. "Oh my goodness I'm so- Kaminari? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well, you kinda just stormed off and left me hanging there in the cafe, and I followed you. Sorry I followed you, but I was worried about you. I didn't go inside though but I was thinking about going inside, and thought about it and decided to go in right now and then you popped up and I-" He rambled and I smiled and pulled him into a hug.

I kissed him on his forehead. "Thank you for following me. I'm sorry I just left suddenly. I just had to deal with a problem of mine." I told him. "My father to be more specific." He blushed red.

"I-It's fine! I get it." He said looking up at me smiling.

"Anyway, let's go. My mom's house is near here. My house is farther away and I don't want you to walk." I said and he nodded. We then began the journey to my mom's house.


Word Count: 1445

I have nothing to say except I will see you in the next chapter.


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