18) The Signing

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Instead of The Shining its The Signing :'D


Sero's POV

Today was the day of the signing. I have been really excited for this day since 'I get to meet Miss Hanaki again. It really was a pleasure to meet her. She has so much energy.' I mentally laughed.

"Cellophane? Are you ready to go?" A man who I recognized as Diago my bodyguard asks. I don't even know why I need one, it's stupid. But Diago is pretty chill.

"Yeah, I'm coming." I reply to him.

Hanaki's POV

I started to get ready for the signing. I was so excited. 'Hopefully I'll see Sero again at the signing. I mean it doesn't matter if I do see him but it'd be cool.' "Ha-na-ki." One of my friends said.

"Yes?" I turned to look at him.

"If you don't hurry up, we're going to leave you." He said.

"Wait. Let me just get my phone." I said and ran to go get my phone and came back. "Got it, let's go." He nodded and we began heading to wherever Cellophane's signing was because at this point the author didn't care because it's morning.

When we got there, I literally jumped out of the car. 'I couldn't wait to see Cellophane. This is my only chance to see him. I'm so excited.' "Hurry up you turtles!" I yelled at them while still speed walking to the entrance, leaving them behind.

When I got inside finally, I saw there were at least thirty people in line waiting for Cellophane to come out.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see it was Sero from the shop. He was in the most plain clothing ever. He had a big white shirt, baggy pants, and some black Nike's on. I gave him a bitch face. "Are you serious? That's what your wearing to Cellophane's first ever signing!?" I yelled.

"Yeah. It's comfy so why not?" He said, not really caring.

"Why this is Cellophane! You should at least look good! You look like you don't even wanna be here-! Wait, do you even wanna be here?" I asked him.

"Of course I wanna be here! All these people that showed up here at my- at Cellophane's signing makes me happy and full of joy." He said happily.

"Then why don't you look the part?" You asked him.

"Well I mean, does it really matter what I look like? I'm sure he'll be just as happy to see me here, even in this clothing." He laughed. He made a good point. But I still wanted to look my best.

"I guess your right..." I said.

"Well, I gotta go back to where I'm supposed to be. I'll see ya." He winked and then left. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

Time went by like always, maybe about 20 minutes, because the author is just done, and they were announcing that Cellophane was coming out here right now. Well, at least he's right on time.

I saw him come out and I was in full on fangirl mode if you know what I mean. But his helmet was still on, which made me frown. I guess he was going to take it off a bit later.

"Hi everyone!" He said, then everyone said 'Hi' back and some even squealed at the sound of his voice, and the sight of him. Even with the helmet still on. "I'm so glad that you were able to come today. I'm so surprised so many of you came." He laughed. His voice sounded oddly familiar which only made me more curious as to how he looks like. "So, I don't know if you guys heard but today I'm going to take off my helmet." Everyone that was there screeched. Even me. "Well it seems you did. But I have to warn you guys, prepare to be disappointed." He said.

Smile [Mostly Kamisero]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon