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"GET UP YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT" yelled my furious uncle.

My name is Luna, Luna Blackwood. You see, I live with my uncle ever since my parents died. My uncle treats me like trash. Everyday I arrive home from school, my uncle would always beat me and rape me. Why don't I run away? Well you see, I have an awesome boyfriend named Kyle Collins and and amazing best friend names Ashley Stone. If I report the abuses from my uncle, I would have to leave Kyle and Ashley. They are the two people I tell everyone to, my uncle, my parents and school.

High school is hell, this is my freshman year and I'm already being picked on. I'm naturally smart and I tend to get good grades which resulted me being called the schools nerd. My body is not thin and not fat but that does not stop anyone from calling me fat except my boyfriend and bestfriend of course. Well, back to the present.

"Coming" I muttered. I quickly get dressed and do my morning routine. Walking downstairs is the tricky part, my uncle would sometimes get in a quick beating in the morning which usually results in me being late to school, not that I care. I arrived on the main floor safely, I already grabbed my bag so I grabbed a banana for breakfast and raced out the door. My uncle was probably watching T.V or something, not that I care, I just want to leave the house as quick as possible.

Usually Kyle or Ashley would come pick me up put for some reason they were both busy today. My house is not that far away from the school so I just decided to walk today. Once I made it to school grounds, I immediately see the popular kids one group. What surprised me was that Kyle and Ashley was there too... Maybe they are just defending me for something the popular kids said. Not questioning it anymore, I walked into the school.

I go to my vandalized locker which I gave up on cleaning because once I clean it, people would just vandalize it again the next day. I take my books for my first period and started walking to my class. Along the way, people shoved and pushed me while am I trying desperately to not let my books fall. Then I see the schools Queen Bee, Courtney Perry.

"Wow, the slut finally arrives! Why are you not talking? Your just a pathetic nerd that no one wants."

"But I have Kyle and Ashley with me, therefore there are some people that wants to be with me."

"We will see about that NERD"

That just made me think if Kyle and Ashley are really people I can trust. Scratch that, of course I can trust them, I have known Ashley when we were in our diaper days and I have known Kyle for a few years now.

I made it to my class and start to get my stationaries ready. For some reason, all the popular kids did not arrive to class and so as my boyfriend and bestfriend. I start to take notes from the class and stopped thinking about what might be going on with Kyle and Ashley. Class ended and I started to walk out of class and towards my locker.

What I saw shocked me. Pictures of my uncle abusing me, saying that I'm worthless and a whore. Posters that have my face on saying that I killed my parents and that I should deserve the pain. I quickly run out of the school with tears coming out of each eye. Then I see Kyle and Ashley standing outside laughing and everything clicked.


"Well you see, Ashley and I started to see how much of a worthless whore you are. You keep getting raped by your uncle. You killed your own parents. We are just doing the world a favor." Kyle finished before knocking me out.

I woke up in a dark room with no windows. Moving was not an option because I was chained on to the wall with both my hands and my feet. "I guess the whore finally woke up!" It was Kyle's voice.

"Why are you doing this to me. Remember all the fun times I had with you and Ashley. All the times we went to the fair and the theme park?"

"At first, Ashley really cared about you, but after seeing what kind of person you really are, me and Ashley plotted a scheme so we can prove to you how much of a waste of space you are. Why you should die. Why what Courtney said is true and why your uncle is always abusing you."

"What about all the times you were nice to me. The time that you stood up to me when Courtney was bullying me?"

"I did all of that so you can trust me, so our plan will work. Now stop asking so many questions, time for your punishment!."

Before I could say anything, a whip came slashing at my back. I tried to stop myself for screaming and crying but nothing worked. After an hour of whipping, Kyle started to punch me, over and over again. Ashley started to join in punching me. Not long after that, I passed out. Maybe it was because I was dying or maybe I was just sleepy.

Turns out I did not die. Kyle gave me just enough food for me to survive and also healed my wounds enough so I won't bleed to death. The torturing lasted a long time. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. Until one day...

"I decided to take a break from torturing today and let Ashley take over" Kyle stated. Ashley started to whip me followed by punching me. I decided that I had enough of this.

"Ha ha HA HA HA HA HA"

"Why are you laughing you PIECE OF SHIT!" Ashley yelled.

"Well you see, I have had enough of all of this, of you punching, whipping and cutting me." I explained before I teared away the chains that detained me for months.

"Y-your e-e-eyes a-a-are r-red." Ashley stuttered. I can see the fear in her face which gave me satisfaction. Well too bad I had to leave this place quickly as I would love to see that face more. I grabbed the nearest knife I saw and stabbed her in the heart.

"Goodbye, best friend." I said as I see her eyes close and her body fall limp. Killing her just made my day. Seeing her body fall lifeless just made me become so happy. I sprinted outside and was astounded that no one was here. Apparently Kyle kept me in an abandoned warehouse that was worn down and dirty. I was leaving this place for now and I will come back to get my revenge.

I arrived at an alleyway and tried to sleep but the attempt failed when I heard voices of multiple men. This cause me to jolt up and get into a fighting positions. "Relax, we won't hurt you." I did not respond. "By the way why is your eyes red and why are you covered in blood." No response. I heard someone else ask the leader why my eyes held no emotion which he just stated that he did not know. "Well me name is Noah, Noah Smith and I am the leader of the gang Dark Shadows. We are asking if you would like to join." I nodded.

Today was the day I started my new life.

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