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Judy never asked her for the moon

Beatrice was in the bathroom one Thursday afternoon washing her hands. That's when a group of girls decided to come in and tease her endlessly. They picked on her clothes, her hobbies, her smarts, her appearance- everything. She was brought to tears, ruining the makeup she had worked so diligently on. Then Katerina Zamolodchikova entered the bathroom.

She saw Beatrice and immediately, her heart sank. "Hey, leave her alone. She's not doing anything," Katerina said, her voice strong.

The girls tried to come up with some sort of retort to Katerina, but nothing swayed her, and they left all at once. Beatrice tried to fix her makeup in the mirror, but her eyes were puffy, and she couldn't stop sniffling.

"Are you okay?" Katerina asked. It was a stupid question, she knew. The girl was not okay. She was crying, and her cute makeup was smudged all over her face. "Hey- you're Beatrice Mattel, right? Don't we have physics together next period?"

Beatrice nodded, wiping her face with the back of her hand. "Thank you for making them go away," she said, her voice shaking and tears threatening to fall from her eyes again.

Katerina's heart shattered at the sweet girl brought to a puddle. Beatrice sniffled, and Katerina pulled her into a tight hug. "It's okay; I don't understand how some people can be so mean." She held out her hand for Beatrice to take and shot her sweetest smile her way. "Let's walk together."

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