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tw: homophobic slurs
Loving you from the red side of the moon

*unknown number*: hey, it's katya

new contact "katya"

trixie🎀: hey :)
katya: you're all good for tomorrow, right?
trixie🎀: lemme ask my mom real quick
katya: k :)

Trixie exited her room and went down to the kitchen. Her mother was reading a recipe from a book to make for dinner. The room smelled delicious.

"Hey, Mom?" Trixie started. "Can I go out tomorrow night?"

Her mother looked up from her book and straightened her glasses, making sure she was looking at her daughter, Beatrice Mattel. Her daughter wanted to go out? Trixie hadn't requested to go out anywhere social in at least a year. She seemed content with her schoolwork and babysitting and just being home. "With a boy?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No, not that kind of go out. With a friend." Trixie began to blush.

"Who's the friend?"

"Katya." Her mother raised her eyebrows again. "Katerina Zamolodchikova."

Her mother sighed. Katerina had a reputation for being a party girl. Despite this reputation, she was happy that Trixie finally had a friend, but she didn't want Trixie to get caught up with that kind of crowd. "I don't know, Trixie. Where would you go? Who else would be there?"

"Just me and Katya at her house." Trixie was nervous. She knew about Katya's reputation- basically everyone did. She knew her mother knew a lot more about the town gossip than even Trixie. That made her nervous.

"Is she going to turn you into a dyke?" Her mother said. Trixie was taken back. She literally gasped. Her mother noticed, and started again. "Sorry," she said, her face still lacking any emotion. "Is she going to turn you into a lesbian?"

Trixie's heart was pounding and she felt anxiety bubble in her stomach. "What?" Trixie knew Katya was gay, but she barely even thought about it. She had never had any conversation about sexuality with her mother, but she didn't expect for her mother to say that word. The d-word.

"Is Katerina going to turn you into a party girl, a stoner, or a dyke?"

"Stop saying that word." Trixie spat, not meaning to. She had only meant to think it.

"Beatrice, do we need to have a talk?" Her mother's face turned red, not willing to deal with the consequences of her daughter turning all because of some party girl.

"Mom, can I just go over? She's not gonna turn me anything."
Her mother thought for a moment. "Fine, but you need to be home by nine."

"Thank you," Trixie said, turning on her heels to leave.

//new message from katya\\

katya: it's okay if you're not allowed
trixie🎀: i just have to be home by 9 :)
katya: yay! everything go okay?
trixie🎀: kind of
katya: are you alright?
trixie🎀: my mom called you the d-word

    Katya's heart sank in her chest. The fact that Trixie was too sweet to say the word told Katya a few things: one, she was adorable (I mean, "the d-word"? She couldn't be sweeter if she tried); two, she didn't know her mom was homophobic; three, she was probably straight. The former made her smile, while the latter two hurt her heart.
    When Katya first came out, her mother cried. She gave Katya a hug and told her she would always love and support her. Her father didn't speak, or cry, or do anything. He got up, left the house, and went for a drive. He came back late that night and sat on the edge of Katya's bed.
    "If anyone hurts you," he said, "I will kill them." His Russian accent was thick; he had only come to America when he was six. (In fact, he decided against naming Katya "Yekaterina" because he wanted her to have an easier childhood than he did.) She sat up and hugged him. She knew it was hard for him, coming from a place where gayness was so taboo and evil. She loved him for accepting her.
    Katya was pulled out of her reminiscent state by her phone buzzing.

//new message from trixie🎀\\

trixie🎀: i don't feel that way, i don't care
katya: are you straight?
trixie🎀: i don't know tbh
katya: cool
katya: when're you babysitting?
trixie🎀: in a few minutes until twelve :)
katya: have a good time, text me when you can! :)

red side of the moon- trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now