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Judy's never minded all the waiting

Trixie woke up in Katya's arms. Everyone around her was still and silent and the dark windows showed the outside world was still deep in slumber. She battled her consciousness, trying to go back to sleep, but lost.

Still snuggled against Katya's warm, thin body, Trixie lifted herself from Katya's embrace and slowly put the sleeping girl's arms back to her torso. Trixie had never been to this house before, though she did see a bit of the layout of the basement during the party. She slowly and carefully made her way to the bathroom, closing the door before she turned on the lights.

She examined her face in the mirror. Her brown eyes were nowhere near as beautiful as Katya's (in her mind, at least). Her cheekbones paled in comparison to Katya's prominent ones. Her face was rounder and her body was, too, though she didn't really mind. She was just worried about disappointing Katya.

Little did she know, Katya had become so infatuated by Trixie's appearance and mind. Through text conversations, she learned little snippets about the younger girl, many of which she wrote down as a means to remember them. She didn't mind any of Trixie's "imperfections"- she loved every bit of her.

So when Katya woke up without Trixie in her arms, she was confused. She saw light creeping from the edges of the bathroom door and automatically feared the worst. She shot up quickly and walked over to the bathroom, her heart pounding in her chest. She heard crying as she knocked.

Trixie was crying, but not because of anxiety. It was because she was thinking. She knew she wasn't straight, but she knew she wasn't a lesbian. She was so very confused. She knew her mother would not accept her. She knew Katya was the girl she wanted to spend all of her time with, so when Katya knocked, Trixie wiped her tears and opened the door.

"Are you okay?" Katya asked, concern swimming in her voice.

"Mhm," Trixie said, sitting down on the cool ground. Katya sat beside her close enough that their skin was touching. "There's just a lot on my mind," she said.

Katya was confused, though she was glad Trixie wasn't upset. "You know you can tell me anything," she said, taking Trixie's hand in hers. "I won't get mad or anything. I won't tell anyone."

"Promise?" Trixie asked, her eyes welling with tears.

"I promise." Katya held up her and Trixie's hands, interlocking their pinkies. "I pinky promise."

Trixie sighed deeply, relishing in the feeling of Katya and her hands wrapped around each other. "You're so lovely," she began. "You're so kind and sweet and confident and understanding. I'm convinced there isn't a mean bone in your whole body. You're cool and amazing and I'm not sure what it is that makes you so interested in me, but I'm glad there's something. Because ever since we started talking at school, something inside me has changed. You asked me if I was straight and it got me thinking. I'm not, definitely not, but my mom would kill me if she knew. And, Katya, I like you a lot, and I feel like it's more than just friendship. I know you're kind to everyone, so I could be reading too far into things, but I hope I'm not, because I think you like me too. I'm so sorry if you don't like me-"

"Trixie," Katya whispered, feeling anxiety in Trixie's voice. "I like you too. More than a friendship."

Trixie smiled and felt her cheeks turn red. "R-really?"

Katya's heart fluttered as she squeezed Trixie's hand. "Really," she whispered. "Trixie?" Trixie responded by lookjng deeply into Katya's blue eyes, falling into the oceans they held. "Can I kiss you?"

"Please do," she whispered as Katya leaned into the girl, her grin enormous.

Their lips touched gently as Katya smiled and pulled away for only a moment before kissing her again. And again. And again, until they were sharing soft, small kisses through smiles. Katya wrapped her arms around Trixie and pulled her closer, deepening their kiss as they parted their lips and fell into one another completely.


a/n: 500 reads overnight!!! thank you for all the support, here's a super cute & sweet chapter :)

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