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*= translation at the bottom of the page :)

Loving you from the red side of the moon

Katya was brought back to reality by the noise of a small knock on her door. Kaija pushed it open and whispered "I made dinner." Katya nodded and mouthed that she would be down in a minute.

Trixie's eyes had long fluttered closed. She wasn't too deep in sleep, but she was drowsy and the paradise Katya created was lulling her to sleep.

"Trix," Katya whispered. Trixie's eyes slowly opened and she smiled at the sound of Katya's voice. "Kaija made dinner," she said. Trixie sat up and looked around, taking note of how the moon illuminated Katya's bedroom.

The girls left the bedroom to go down to the kitchen. Katya smiled as she left and lead Trixie down to the dining area. As they turned a corner, they saw that Kaija had set up three plates with forks and knifes. Spaghetti with meatballs were the dish of the night, apparently.

Katya and Trixie sat next to one another on one side of the table and Kaija sat across from them.

"Est-elle ta petite amie?*" Kaija asked.

"Non," Katya said. "Pas encore.*"

"I'm sick of all of this conversation that I can't understand," Trixie said, smiling. "Let's speak English?"

Katya and Kaija smiled. "Of course, doll. Why are you picking around your dinner?"

Trixie blushed. She didn't realize it was so obvious. "I'm a vegetarian. I have been ever since I was a kid," she said. It wasn't something she was ashamed of, but she was used to judge mental glares from whomever and rude assumptions. Not that she thought Katya would do any of that.

"That's cool," Kaija said. "My brother was a vegan for a little bit. He said he missed beef too much," she giggled. Trixie was amazed at how much of Katya she could see in the younger girl.

The conversation was sweet over dinner, a lot of Trixie and Kaija going back and forth. Katya was intrigued by their conversation and how well the two of them got along. She took mental note of this for the future.

Once dinner was through, Kaija offered to put away all of the dishes. She gave Katya a look which said you owe me one, but Katya didn't mind. She was happy to go back to her bedroom with Trixie.

It was only about nine by the time everything was finished. "Can I put on pajamas? I love this dress but it's been a long day," Trixie said.

"Of course," Katya replied. She smiled as Trixie pulled pink shorts and an oversized tee shirt out of her duffel bag. She turned away from Katya to change, but could feel Katya's eyes on her. Katya didn't mean to stare, really, but Trixie's curves and soft skin were so captivating. Katya decided to distract herself by changing into her own shorts- oversized boxers- and her own oversized tee shirt. The one she chose was white and red and said "Russia" on it in big white font.

"You play video games, Mattel?" Trixie shook her head. "Wanna try?" Katya asked, holding up two x-box controllers. Trixie smiled at the girl before her and nodded.

Katya pulled out her CoD: Black Ops 3 disk and started the game. Trixie was rusty at first, and for most of the game, but her nonstop giggling and fumbling with the controller made both of them laugh. They played for hours- until about midnight- when Kaija knocked on the walls and told them to be quiet. This lead to a series of giggles from both of the girls, Katya's quickly turning into wheezing laughter and Trixie laughing at the odd noises escaping Katya.

After the game was done, the girls decided to put on some TV. There was an X Files marathon, and Trixie watched the show with new eyes, unconsciously finding herself admiring Gillian Anderson with newfound beauty (and gayness). Sometime during the marathon, Trixie and Katya had slipped into full-blown cuddling, with Trixie's head leaning against Katya's chest and listening to her strong heartbeat.

Katya had her hand on Trixie's waist and felt herself becoming needy. So, when there was a break in the show, she whispered Trixie's name slowly. Trixie looked up into Katya's lustful eyes and felt her lips immediately gravitate toward Katya's. As soon as they touched, ever so gently, Katya flipped them around so she was straddling Trixie.

She cupped Trixie's one cheek with her hand while having the other in Trixie's messy blonde hair. Their kisses were slow and passionate, desperate and controlled. Katya felt herself become aroused, but didn't want to rush into anything.

"Detka*," she half whispered, half moaned. "Can I touch your breasts?"

Trixie felt her face turn red as she nodded. Katya smiled a toothy grin before going back to kissing Trixie's lips. She slowly migrated to Trixie's neck, slowly sucking the delicate skin into her mouth and between her teeth. She heard a soft moan escape Trixie's lips, begging her to continue. She didn't want to leave any bruises, so she was gentle, but she nipped at the girls neck every so often before returning to make love the Trixie's luscious lips. With shaky hands, Katya slowly touched Trixie's boob through her shirt, grasping at her fullness. She slowly needed the flesh before moving her hands under the fabric. Trixie must've removed her bra when she was changing. Katya slowly caressed Trixie's breasts and wanted to cover them in hickies, but she controlled herself.

After a heavy makeout session, things began to cool down. As their kisses slowed and became lighter, Trixie realized how tired she was, and how she had school tomorrow. Katya glanced at the clock between kisses and noticed it was nearly two in the morning. The girls had to be at school by eight. Katya broke the kiss and, for just a moment, saw Trixie with her eyes closed and her lips parted. She took a mental photo of the sight and relished in it. Trixie was the most beautiful girl Katya had ever seen, she was sure of it.

The girls calmed down and laid back onto the mattress, pulling Katya's comforter over them both. Trixie fell asleep almost instantly, the paradise of the evening replacing all negative feelings about the morning in her mind. Katya took a bit longer to fall asleep, as her mind was racing. Her parents would be home tomorrow. She needed to go to school. She needed to figure out a place for Trixie to stay, at least until she convinced her parents to let it be with her. She found comfort in Trixie's gentle snoring and slowly drifted into a land of dreams. A land where no one would judge them and where they could be happy.

"Is she your girlfriend?"
"No," Katya said. "Not yet."
Detka= baby

red side of the moon- trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now