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Someday is a story and it's the one I'm sticking to

After Katya drove the girls to school, they didn't see one another too much. They texted all day, of course, but it wasn't until in between classes that they actually were face to face. Everyone stared at them and internally questioned the new friendship between the most popular girl in school and the (debatably) least popular one, but no one said anything.

Katya talked a lot to Jodi about letting Trixie stay with her for a little while, just until Katya could convince her parents that Trixie should stay with her.

"I'll ask my mom," Jodi said. "How was your weekend with her?"

Katya fell in love looking back at the weekend. She spent basically the whole time with Trixie. "It was so good, it was so fricken good."

"Ooooo," Jodi teased, poking Katya's ribs. "Zamo's getting soft!"

Katya blushed and rolled her eyes. "Who gives a fuck? She's so perfect."

Jodi just smiled widely. "I'm happy for you," she said. "I'll do what I can to take care of her, I promise. I'll hold her for at least tonight, but you've gotta try to get your parents on board."

Katya was endlessly thankful for Jodi who had been by her side since the beginning. "Thank you so much. Can I come over today to hang out with you guys?"

"I actually have debate today, so you guys can go over and maybe you could show her around."

Katya agreed and told Jodi they would be at her house when she got home. She was looking forward to spending time with Trixie, and she was aware of how nervous Trixie would likely be. For now, at least, Katya would be keeping most of Trixie's things in her closet. She wanted Trixie to be with her. No where else.

It was the end of the school day, and Trixie had music class. She always loved it; it was only her and a few other kids. The teacher left them pretty much on their own to do as they pleased with a few ongoing assignments, no tests, and just one big assignment a year. They had to complete an assignment at the end of the year that related to their particular field of music that they were interested. Trixie's study was singing and songwriting, so she decided to attempt to start a song. It was February, after all, so it was about time she got started.

"What 'cha thinkin about, Beatrice?" The girl speaking was a quiet one in Trixie's class. Her name was Kim. She was a junior like Trixie, though they hadn't spoken as much. Once people started noticing that Katya was paying attention to Trixie, other people did, too. It made Trixie happy, sure, but it was a bit odd having stranger come up to her and want to engage in conversation.

"I'm trying to write a song," Trixie began. "But I'm not sure what to write about."

Kim sat thoughtfully for a moment. "Ever been in love? Ever had your heart broken?"

And then everything came flooding into Trixie's mind at once. The lyrics spilled directly from her heart as she wrote them, cursive letters flowing freely from the tip of her pink pen. By the time the final bell rang she had practically written two songs. Her heart was happy.

Katya was waiting outside of the music room for Trixie who seemed to be floating on cloud nine. "Good class, babes?"

Trixie blushes and nodded, not wanting to say too much. She didn't want to show Katya her music until it was absolutely perfect.

They drove to Jodi's house and Katya let herself in, greeting Jodi's mother who was in the kitchen. She introduced Trixie to her.

"Well," Mrs. Edwards began, "we are very pleased to have you, even if it is under such awful circumstances."

Trixie thanked her and followed Katya for a grand tour. The final stop on their journey was Jodi's bedroom. The two girls were sat cross-legged on her bed when Katya began to worry.

"Text me if you need anything, and don't be afraid to tell Jodi things. She probably already knows." Katya was rambling, scared of leaving Trixie alone. "I'll answer you at any hour of the night or morning and I can drive you home every day."

"Calm down, Kat," Trixie whispered. They were holding hands and Trixie was trying her best to calm Katya down. "I'm gonna be okay."

Katya felt her nerves relax slightly, though there were still butterflies in her stomach. Even if it was for a slightly different reason.

"I know," she said. "I just worry about you, Trixie."

Trixie blushes and looked deeply into Katya's eyes. "Why? I'm gonna be okay," she said. She wasn't certain, but she was pretty damn sure. "It's gonna be okay."

"I need to ask you a question, and I want you to be honest," Katya rambled. "It's okay if you say no, I promise I won't be mad or anything..."

"Katya." Trixie placed a hand on each of Katya's cheeks. "What is it?"

Katya took a deep breath and tried to tame the butterflies swarming in her stomach. Her mind was a runaway train. She was anxious and felt it in her stomach. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Trixie's heart exploded. She smiled hugely and Katya smiled, too. She giggled and blushed profusely. "Of course," she said. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Katya said, pulling Trixie into a kiss.

When they pulled away from one another, Jodi opened the door and smiled at them. Katya kissed Trixie's forehead as she stood up, staring into her brown eyes.

"Promise me you'll call if you need me?"

"I promise."

"She'll be alright, Zamo," Jodi said. She gave Katya a tight hug and led her to the front door.

"Text me if she needs me," Katya said, "and tell her she can call me. I can pick you guys up tomorrow morning-"

"Relax." Jodi said, her hands on Katya's shoulders. "She's going to be okay."

Katya sighed as she opened the door to leave. "Thank you so much."

"I've always got your back," Jodi said. She closed the door behind Katya and promised to text her updates.

When she heard the front door close, Trixie cried. She cried because she couldn't gush to her mother about having a girlfriend and loving someone. She cried because she couldn't sleep in Katya's arms. She cried, and Jodi came back into her room and just held her and stoked her hair.

"I love her," Trixie said through tears.

"We all do," Jodi whispered. "But you love her the most."

"I miss her."

Jodi sighed. "You'll see her tomorrow," she whispered. "How about some dinner, sweets."

Trixie pulled herself together enough to down to the dining room, but her kind wouldn't stop thinking about Katya. Katya sat in her bedroom and relished in the way her sheets smelled like strawberries and vanilla- Trixie's perfume. They were only a few miles apart, but when your hearts are attached by a string, even a mile feels like forever.


a/n: im leaving for Italy tomorrow, so no updates this week. thank you so much for everything, see y'all later :)

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