thirty two.

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Someday is a story and it's the one I'm sticking to

Trixie woke up at five, her anxiety waking her up even before her alarm. Katya laid beside her snoring quietly. Trixie just sat for a few moments and watched as her lover's chest rose and fell with her breathing. Then, she got up to bring a few things to the porch, brushed her teeth, and went back into the bedroom.

She sat on the bed beside Katya and admired her beauty. "Kat," she whispered, placing her hand on the girl's shoulder.

Katya stirred slightly, but kept her eyes closed. She scrunched up her nose, which Trixie found adorable.

"Baby, I wanna watch the sunrise with you."

Katya cracked open her eyes and smiled at Trixie, who somehow still looked gorgeous, even in the minimal lighting of the bedroom.

"I need my beauty sleep."

"Please," Trixie whined, drawing out the word. "This is a time-sensitive event. You can go back to bed after."

Katya sat up and stretched. "You make a good argument, cutie."

The two walked to the porch and sat watching the ocean. Sunlight was just beginning to peek out over the horizon and paint the sky gorgeous warm colors. They sat on the outdoor couch together, and Trixie leaned over the arm and grabbed her guitar.

Katya woke up instantly. "What's all this for, baby?"

"You." Trixie took a deep breath. This was perfect. "Yekaterina Zamolodchikova, you are my best friend and the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. I love you so much. I wrote a song for you, and I'm finally gonna let you hear me perform."

The act in itself nearly brought Katya to tears. Trixie was wearing Katya's clothes; her favorite over-sized band shirt. She was playing the pink guitar Katya bought for her, and had her hair done in the braids Katya did the day prior. She was peppered in freckles and Katya wanted to just kiss her all over forever.

Judy never asked her for forever,
Judy never asked her for the moon
Judy knew that loving her was better
And no one knew her heart like Judy

Katya's breath was stolen from her lungs. Trixie's voice was pure magic.

Judy's never mentioned in the papers
Judy's never noted in the news
Just knew that loving her was safer
Loving from the red side of the moon

Katya didn't try to hide the tears that fell from her eyes. The words Trixie sang brought her back to the beginning of their love; when it began to bloom like the first flowers in spring. It reminded her of when she found Trixie sitting on the bathroom floor, crying. That was what started everything.

Loving you from the red side of the moon
Loving her was funnier than a Saturday cartoon
Someday is a story and it's the one I'm sticking to
Loving from the red side of the moon

God, Trixie was so talented. Every chord she played was completely perfect. Katya had once tried to learn the guitar, but she could never make it sound like real music. This song reminded her of the first time Katya wanted to hear Trixie play, and how she didn't want to wait.

Judy grew up stepping right beside her
Loved her from the cover of the crowds
Judy's heart was beating right beside her
Even with the music loud and

She was so glad she waited. There could be nothing better than this.

Judy's never minded all the waiting
Judy's never thought to watch the clock
Judy knew that loving's in the patience
When the red side of the moon is what we've got

Katya planned their life together. She planned their first apartment and their wedding and the names of their pets and their first home and everything. She planned matching tattoos and expensive vacations. Trixie was completely perfect.

She sang a few more verses before the song drew to a close. By the time it did, both Trixie and Katya's cheeks were damp with tears. Trixie moved her guitar and held Katya in an embrace that could've lasted forever. They relaxed into that position, laying together in the most comfortable silence as they watched the sunrise.


Trixie raised her head to looked at Katya.

"That was beautiful."

"Thank you," Trixie said, relaxing back against Katya's chest. A cool breeze came off the ocean and blanketed them in salty air.

"Thank you for showing me that love isn't as scary as I thought it was." Katya took a deep breath and closed her eyes, the next words passing her lips as if they had always been meant to. "I'm so in love with you."

Trixie smiled so much her cheeks began to hurt. "I'm in love with you, too," she whispered. "Thank you for not making me fall by myself."

Katya squeezed her eyes slightly and let a few tears slide down the side of her face, allowing them to get lost in her hair. She took Trixie's hand in hers and held it tightly. She was overcome with emotion. She felt so vulnerable, but Trixie was a safe place.

"Beatrice Mattel," she said. "I would never let you fall without me being there to catch you."


a/n: one more chapter!! I have several feelings about this ending...

red side of the moon- trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now