thank you.

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I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the support on this story. It's my first fanfic, and it means the world to me that it has been received so well by so many people.

There is a lot more where this came from, so stay tuned for an eventual sequel.

Allow me to be sappy for a moment. I have been a storyteller since before I can remember. I used to write little stories all the time, and would ride my bike for hours just saying stories out loud. It has always been my dream to write a book, and a plan to someday. I remember finishing my first story; it was about twenty pages in Microsoft word when I was between the ages of nine and thirteen. It wasn't good, and it has long since disappeared from any physical or electronic platform, but it was my first time finishing something so monumentally important. And this is the second time.

I hope you guys stick around to take in my future works and embrace them with the same love you did this one.

I'll be posting a few "extras", if you will, in the coming days/weeks. Little things like letters, text conversations, and fun insight to hat was happening behind the scenes.

I love every one of you. Thank you for supporting me on this journey.

xoxo, katyamattl ❤️

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