Nothing but Red

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I was ready to get the hell out of dodge. But we couldn't because somehow the Nazis were still able to Nuke New York City. But man, Stein has one hell of a right hook. And he punched one of his idols. I wish I could do that. And my idol isn't a pervert...I hope. Ok, back to the problem. If the Nazis didn't use Einstien to make the atomic bomb, then who do they use? The answer to that is Einstein's ex-wife.

"So, while we were busy safeguarding Professor Einstein -" Rip started.

"The Nazis were busy kidnapping his ex," Sara finished.

"Her name is Mileva Maric, she's a fellow nuclear physicist," Stein said.

"And let me guess..." I drawled out sarcastically as I crossed my arms, "no one was watching her."

"Yes, Einstein's collaborations with Ms. Maric were closely guarded secret between the two of them."

"A secret that the German's apparently knew," Rip said in frustration, "so unless we can determine where they're keeping her while she manufactures their bomb -"

"If I had to guess, I'd say she's with Damien's Darhk's uranium," Ray piped up as he came into the room.

Stein furrowed his brows as he did a double take. "Damien Darhk? As in -"

"The guy that killed Laurel," I said beating around the bush. I'm not going to sugar coat things. Stein's mouth opened as he looked at Sara, who sighed.

"How is Damien Darhk even alive in 1942?" Stein asked.

"Cause he's a fucking vampire," I said sarcastically.

Ray's eyes widen. "Do vampires even exist?" He had a bit of excitement in his voice.

I gave him a look. "I don't fucking know. I never met one." Wendigos? Sure, met a few. Vampires?...Not even one.

"Bummer," Ray said before shaking his head. "Anyway, thanks to the Lazarus Pit, he hardly ages." He motioned to Sara. "Sara's kind of an expert on Damien Darhk." Well, no shit. Why do you think she's been lying the past few months when she says she had some important business to take care of. Are people stupid or something?

Sara glared at him. "Drop it."

"I'm sorry, but while you were all saving Einstein, Sara was off on her own secret side mission to kill Laurel's killer in the past."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, boo hoo if Sara was on her side mission. That's her business and hers alone."

"You knew?" Sara asked surprisingly.

"Well, duh. You might be a good liar to them, but I could spot it from a mile away." I gave Ray a look. "And it wasn't my business so I butt out of it."

"She could have -" Ray started but I cut him off.

"Don't you give me any bull shit. Like you never thought about saving your fiancee?"

"Yes, of course I did, but I never did it, because it's against the rules."

"What rules? We're not Time Masters, there are no rules."

"Well, if there were there'd certainly be one about lying to your team. Like how you pretend to be fine when your not. You're lashing out to the world because you're still grieving over Snart's death when it was your claws that finished him off."

And just like that, I pinned Ray to the wall. My eyes flashed their icy blue as I bared my fangs at him. I'm fully shifted and I'm ready to rip some throats out. My hand wrapped around his throat as I started to squeeze it.

"Morgan!" Sara yelled as she came over. Rip and Stein came over and tried to pry me off him, but my hold didn't loosen. "Let him go, he's not worth it."

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