Who Knew Stein's Got Some Pipes?

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The smartest idea this team has ever come up with to send Nate back to his time for obvious reasons. He's got no superpowers, he doesn't have any supernatural abilities, and he doesn't have any combat training. It's like Scott all over again. Someone just got mixed up in the supernatural world which led Derek and me into taking care of him. It's just like that except Nate got stuck on the Waverider. Actually, this is just like Scott all over again except with a few minor changes. Nate didn't get bit by Peter so he doesn't have to deal with that idiot. But he is stuck on the team because we have to go all the way back to 1942...the year the JSA told us not to go.

And why are we going back to that year? Because everyone on the JSA is going to die during their mission to track down Baron Kreiger in Paris. We've changed history...again. Part of me doesn't care for those egotistical morons but since Nate's granddaddy is part of it, then he's going to disappear. And here I thought we were done reuniting with relatives, past and future.

On the bright side, at least I get to say I've been to Paris. Oh, I always wanted to go there. I've dreamt about going all the way to the Eiffel Tower with...with Snart. I let out a sad sigh as I looked out the window from my seat. I tried to keep my face as blank as usual so I wouldn't cry again. Or get angry and punch someone like Ray.

The plan was a bit simple, to say the least. In order to find the Justice Smell-ciety of America, we have to sneak into a Nazi nightclub. And the way we do that is Stein dressing up as this singer named Max Lorenz - who was Hitler's favorite singer - because he looks just like him. I just had a sour look on my face because I have to wear that stupid blonde wig again. Even Mick agreed with me and said don't go blonde, Claws before we left.

At least I'm playing the lackie with Stein tonight and not inside the bar. If one guy so much as oggles me, I will throw him across the room after breaking his arm.

"Excuse me," Stein began the plan as we made it to the club.

The security guard stopped him by holding his arm out and said, "The club is closed tonight for a private function."

Stein shook his head as he gets ready to bring his inner diva out. "Do you have any idea who I am? I am Max Lorenz."

Some Nazi guard just so happens to pass by and did a 180. "Did you say Max Lorenz?" he asked, clearly starstruck.

Stein stood up straighter. "Yes. And I have never been treated with such rudeness." This got me wondering, do some stars actually act like that?

"Of course not," the soldier said, clearly embarrassed. "You're more than welcome here, Herr Max."

The man shook Stein's hand. Geez, if he shakes it any harder then Stein's arm might fall off. The bouncer let us in and held his arm out for our coats. Sara stood in front of him and took it off before letting out a satisfying hmooph. I shrugged my jacket off and threw it over the man's head without even looking at him.

The club was filled with upbeat jazz music. I glanced around and saw a man and a woman clinking their glasses together before taking a drink. At another corner, I saw another couple talking. The man must have said something funny because the girl was laughing. Or maybe she was laughing at the spinach stuck in his teeth. My eyes found a couple that was practically making out on the wall. My fist clenched as a low growl erupted from my throat.

"Morgan, your eyes," Sara whispered to me. My eyes turned back to normal as we walked further into the club. "You ok?"

I gave the blonde a sarcastic smile. "Just peachy."

After that, I parted from her. We're here to find Krieger or the JSA. We're not here to have fun. We're not here to think about Snart and know that if he was here then he would sneak a few wine bottles and take some jewelry. We're on a job, we can't screw it up. I can't screw it up.

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