NAIA Intel Agent (F)

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Name: The woman raised an eyebrow at you with caution.

(Mélisse Arronaxe)

Age: She shook her head, refusing to give any information about her age.


Gender + Species: Mélisse snorted, almost out of the character that she presented herself in. "Female. Human."

Height: She tiptoed just to emphasize her lankiness a bit more.


Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: More often than not, Mélisse can be found wearing a slick black body suit with some light combat armour on top, typical of a mercenary in NAIA. She has neck-length black hair and dull, black eyes which are usually covered by contact lenses that can change colour (by herself, she takes on the appearance of purple irises). When she is not on official business, Mélisse wears a cream-white crop top and short jean shorts with a brown leather belt holding it up. Her choice of footwear is restricted to hardy black boots, in any case.

Resemblance: Just imagine the image below without the twin tails...

Resemblance: Just imagine the image below without the twin tails

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Personality: Mélisse is, most simply put, a quiet tomboy. She doesn't speak unless she needs to; she's direct, but not blunt; uncertain, but never overwhelmed. She is willing to do whatever she has to do to overcome a problem, but prefers to wait for any alternative solutions may arise. Anyone that knows her may also see that she is, in her personal affairs, a slightly minimalistic individual. For Mélisse, extremity is only necessary when conditions have been pushed to an extreme.

Likes: Her job, bocce, swimming and hiking, coffee, bourbon

Dislikes: Mathematics, a sedentary lifestyle, health complications, juice, cocktails

Power(s): While she has no actual powers, she does have an uncanny ability to disguise herself and conduct reconnaissance, and also owns one taser and an electrified baton for her work.

Occupation: Spy for the NAIA Bureau of Intelligence (NAIABI)

Backstory: As a native-born citizen of NAIA, Mélisse grew up as the daughter of a divorced couple, her father working as a market researcher in Zone B and her mother teaching university-level economics in Zone A. She gained an appreciation of NAIA's corporate origins from her parents, and with endeavours of pursuing a career in finance, she took multiple business classes; unfortunately, her lack of talent was in mathematics. She couldn't grasp the concepts of lines, much less that of curves or the principles of calculus. Combined with the fact that she preferred physical activity over socializing on a phone (something that most of her teenage peers did quite often), she was silently pushed aside as a strange kid in her academics. Thankfully, a NAIBI-sponsored job fair had come to her school, piquing her interest; the idea of an agent would allow her to protect the corporate security of her nation while avoiding the types of complicated mathematics of finance. A few years of career adjustment and hard work later, she now presides over various agents at NAIABI.

Other: While most of her time is spent throughout the four Zones of NAIA metropolitan areas and all information concerning her work is kept at a Zone C office, her permanent residence is a modest flat in the upper areas of Zone B.

Scenario 1:

Rebellion. It was a time bomb in your mind, and it was about to set off. You were dissatisfied with the dominion of the corporations in NAIA, and you wanted change—radical change, the type that would bring true democracy over the rule of corporate entities. You joined a growing movement in Zone D to overthrow the government with the help of a foreign corporation. Unfortunately, while planning to lead a small raid into a Zone C police station, you were knocked out from behind. And now here you were, face-to-face with... nobody, really. You were in a pitch-black room, restrained to some chair, and all of your gadgetry had been stripped from your person. Suddenly, the voice of a dragon sounded from all directions and beckoned "Who are you?"


Scenario 2:
Today was your first day working with the NAIABI, a position you assented to gain for its job benefits or personal reasons. Having passed the trials of a resume, background check, fitness test, interview and loyalty check, you were brought to a shoddy-looking garage in the corner of Zone C. Your guide instructed you to knock on the garage door before leaving himself, and it seemed like your first mission had begun.


Scenario 3:

Make it up!

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