CosmicHowl's Evil Twin?! (M)

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(Hehehe, this'll be another not-so-serious OC, I guess.)

Name: The boy looked at you through his mask. "I... AM... YOUR... DOOM!"

(Lanter Cosmos Howl | AKA | "Lyle Cosmich" | AKA | "The Evil Twin" )

Age: "Age doesn't matter when you look as dashing as I do!" He didn't look very dashing, to be honest.

(Physically: ???, Technically: 1 year old)

Gender + Species: "I am of the masculine gender from an alien race of super-super-super... overlords, yes, overlords! HERE TO CAUSE YOUR DOOM!"

(Male Humanoid Clone)

Height: "Do you expect me to keep measuring tape with me at all times?"

(??? - same as CosmicHowl)

Sexuality: "What kind of a question is that to an alien overlord?!"


Appearance: Just like CosmicHowl, Lyle has ruffled, twilight-black hair cut just above the shoulder with slight red highlights at the ends. His eyes, albeit as dark as CosmicHowl's, have a slight greenish glow to them. Lyle dresses in an awfully flamboyant and frankly comedic manner, sporting a white plastic mask that was broken down the middle to complement a flowy purple cape, blue collar shirt, black dress pants, and grey dress shoes.

Resemblance: [UNKNOWN]

Personality: Lyle is quite quirky. That tends to lessen any skittishness and emotional sensitivity, but it also makes him very over-the-top and imaginative. When all of that oddity is stripped away, however, Lyle can be pretty somber; all he wants is a place to call "home" and people to call "family."

Likes: Ketchup, extreme delicacies, unusual subjects, classical music, poetry and handwriting things, geology, pleasing others

Dislikes: Mustard (dogmatically), hamburgers, eggs, having to adapt to a new setting very quickly, information technology and coding, astronomy, disappointing others

Power(s): None

Occupation: None

Backstory: Rumour has it that CosmicHowl once summoned Lyle during some wacky basement experiment when the author was hit by a bad case of writer's block. Lyle was supposedly dematerialized in a secondary experiment by accident, but in truth, he was just teleported out in the city. Knowing quite well that he was CosmicHowl's clone, he picked up a broken plastic mask out of a trash can and wore it to help obscure his face. He spent the rest of his days building a base out of scraps in the forests and caves behind Kimmelich High School, which let him develop his remarkably... colourful personality.

Other: You can find him lurking in the forests behind Kimmelich High School making a small base in a cave (using whatever supplies he can get in the city) or you might just find him wandering around... wherever, really. Oh, he frequents the rear end of the local music shop since he likes to listen to some tunes.

Scenario 1:

Make it up!

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