The Girl Next Door (F) 🏠🌳

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Name: The young woman leaned her head towards you. "Hi. I'm Haneul McHalls, but my friends call me 'Hana' sometimes. Are you looking for something?"

Age: "Hm." She smirked slightly. "Take a wild guess, perhaps."


Gender + Species: Haneul adjusted her glasses, wondering if she heard you correctly. "Did you count on me being something other than a teenage girl?"

(Female Human)

Height: "Last time I checked... I was around four feet and seven inches. Not too bad, am I?"

Sexuality: "Eh?!" She blushed a bit and rubbed her shoulder. "You don't ask questions like that..."



Personality: Haneul's generally a calm and mellow girl, someone who's very approachable, well-mannered, and disciplined

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Personality: Haneul's generally a calm and mellow girl, someone who's very approachable, well-mannered, and disciplined. She's sometimes a bit of a tease as well, but at the core of her being, she understands that everyone and everything—including herself—deserves some form of respect. Haneul sometimes goes overboard with this generally welcoming and optimistic disposition, however; in the face of truly deceptive people or overwhelming pessimism, her calm character starts to crack. Haneul has difficulty thinking about the world in different ways, and that might truly lead to her downfall.

Likes: Her ethnic and cultural origins, aviation, cats, national defence, keeping to a general schedule

Dislikes: Racial or cultural discrimination, sedentary lifestyles, dogs, a lack of safety or backup plans, people who are overly spontaneous

Power(s): None

Occupation: Student at Kimmelich High School

Backstory: Haneul's father was an American military pilot who fell in love with a civilian woman after being sent to an engagement in Korea. Following his service, the man pursued a relationship with the lady; moving to the United States, they eventually married and had their daughter. "Haneul" means "sky" in Korean, and Haneul's parents thought that the word was appropriate to describe how the father soared through the skies as a military pilot. Hearing of this story as a child growing up in America, Haneul decided to become a pilot as well, even having the experience of joining the cadets for some time. She then looked towards commercial piloting or a job in aeronautics, and is currently studying for such activities.

Other: She knows some basic self-defence techniques and she's unfortunately also been harassed a bit by Preibus Gallifrey ("Mindplay"). Her father gained some scars from his military activities, and due to this, she also feels that she should be more thankful and appreciative of the country in which she lives.

Scenario 1:

Simply put, you're Haneul's neighbour. Looking out from your window at a picturesque summertime scene, there seemed to be some disturbance: smoke rising from her family's yard. At first, you didn't really think much of it, but soon, its irritating scent was starting to invade your house. That's when the doorbell rang—completely out of the blue.


Scenario 2:

You were walking home from Kimmelich High School and decided to make a detour to the barber's shop in order to get a haircut or get your hair done. Along the way, however, you noticed your next-door-neighbour, Haneul, leaning on a pole as some random guy talked to her. She seemed a bit fazed by the man, as if sensing him to be a threat; however, the only truly unusual thing about the guy was the fact that he was wearing a coat on a pretty humid day.


Scenario 3:

Make it up!

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