The Telekinetic (F) 💥👁

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Name: The girl looked up at you in quiet thought before biting her lip and speaking. "They call me Theta."

Age: "Apparently fifteen years of age." Theta seemed... a bit disconnected from reality there.

Gender + Species: "I don't think that I would be anything other than... human..." She didn't seem to believe herself to some extent.

(Female Augmented Human)

Height: "You don't have to size me up against others, do you? Another comparative test?" she said in a slight whine.


Sexuality: "I don't think I've ever had to consider that as of late. I don't even really meet others too often..."



Personality: Theta is a naturally soft-spoken person who prefers peace and quiet over drama and loud noises

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Personality: Theta is a naturally soft-spoken person who prefers peace and quiet over drama and loud noises. She tends to shrink in the presence of an overbearing individual, but she is actually quite observational and insightful when she participates in an orderly conversation. Theta is not someone who likes to take risk; oftentimes, she is very conservative and fearful, which makes her easily manipulated by scientists attempting to augment her mental abilities. At the same time, she feels a bit restrained by her thinking and is frequently conflicted when it comes to making important decisions.

Likes: Order, kind or empathetic people, drawing and visual art, ice cream (although she doesn't have it often), dogs and puppies

Dislikes: Chaos, insensitivity, writing, meat (she thinks it tastes strange but is fed it anyway), kittens and hamsters

Power(s): Theta has the capability for telekinesis due to her hair. Contrary to their appearance, Theta's hair is not natural; it has been replaced by blue strands of experimental conductors that release some of the electricity in Theta's brain and make it capable for her to move objects. While this power is essentially harmless and ineffective by itself, an enhancing device of some sort could make it extremely harmful.

Occupation: Involuntary test subject for the Psi-Gamma Initiative, a secretive group of scientists

Backstory: After an accidental pregnancy strikes a young teenage woman, she is faced with the option of aborting the baby. Feeling unable to fathom the concept, however, the woman waits until she gives birth for the baby and then puts her up for adoption. The newborn was a meek one with a head of light brown hair, but that innocent appearance soon changed after a scientist adopted her.

The girl grew up under the scientist and was named Theta after the man's unusual love of trigonometry. She was brought into the underground facility of the Psi-Gamma Initiative, a shadowy collective of pseudoscience-related academics; from there, she was placed under a set of experiments meant to see if children could manifest telekinesis. These experiments have continued to this day and have resulted in her telekinetic abilities, as well as the great lack of knowledge that Theta has about the outside world. For her, in fact, the facility is the world.

Other: She lives in an isolated, comfortable cell in her facility with security cameras and guards watching the premises. Other experiments within the facility are treated similarly and are a considerable distance away from Theta's cell.

Scenario 1:

You had lived in the facility all your life as an experiment, someone to be tested on. Still, you just thought that it was normal. You manifested some sort of ability over time, and your "parents" —the scientists—wanted to study you. So, you let them do so. They did care for you for all of your life, after all.

You were called into an experiment and were led by your guard "friends" to the testing area. Once you entered the area, you saw a young girl with hair like a sapphire, her emerald-like eyes meeting yours. You knew that there were others like you in the facility, but you had never truly interacted with one this close. There were some puzzle pieces scattered across the floor, as if they were begging to be solved; the girl seemed to be into the challenge, a fistful of jigsaw pieces in her hand.

You...? (When you enter this scenario, please clarify what power you would like to have—do not be overpowered! I will moderate this!)

Scenario 2:

Make it up!

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