Titan of Dust (M) 🥀☁️

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If anyone was wondering, this was inspired by the 1818 poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley! Also, like the Titan of Battle, this one might be a bit too powerful than normal. I'll try to consider both Titans as equal in terms of how I'd RP them.

Name: "You don't know of my name? In retrospect, it is perhaps better that you never come to know of it; my title is of truer importance."

(Ozymandias, "Prince of Dust")

Age: Ozymandias laughed and waved a servant over to drink from a goblet. "Why do you need to know of my age? Is not age simply a number when you reminisce?"

(Depends on RP; in his time, he would be 25 years old)

Gender + Species: Ozymandias sighed and drank from his goblet of water, calmness clear in his voice while it was pricked with annoyance. "You cannot tell who among you is a male or a female, a human or a goat?"

(Male Titan - A Titan is a mythical individual who draws power from a planet in the Solar System—in this case, Earth, and more specifically, its processes of decay or "turning to dust.")

Height: He grinned and stood up from his throne. "I have been gifted the blessing of being a bit taller than my mother."


Sexuality: Ozymandias's orange pupils dilated as the man cracked his knuckles. "I prefer women over men... why do you ask?"


Appearance: Ozymandias has dark tan skin and a head of brownish-black hair that reaches down just above his shoulders. To complement his intense orange eyes, the man usually wears a white wrap-around skirt held in place by a golden belt. He has blue sandals held together by brown cords. Ozymandias often doesn't wear a shirt since the desert heat of his domain makes it impractical. However, he does wear a silver necklace with a sword-shaped pendant.

Resemblance: (None I could find so far)

Personality: Ozymandias chuckled and placed his hands behind his head. "I believe I like to think of myself as... ambitious."

(Ozymandias is definitely an ambitious individual. He becomes prideful and overprotective in his pursuit of power and riches, but he has little concern for image unless it would be directly related to a loss of his resources. In fact, Ozymandias is, in a manner of speaking, a predatory animal; he is scornful to those who fail at overpowering him, but he will act respectful towards his equals. At the same time, however, the power that comes with being a Titan of Dust has made him somewhat fatalistic and pessimistic.)

Likes: Competition, hardworking servants, industrial development, grapes, his royal hound Bast

Dislikes: Absolute supremacy or submission concerning an authority, laziness, a lack of technological progress in his domain, figs, riding horses

Power(s): Ozymandias gains his strength from naturally decaying processes on Earth. This power not only enhances his skin's natural resistance to piercing, but it also allows Ozymandias to manipulate this capability to decay. By either touch or firing a slow-moving bolt of energy, the man can make an object or a part of a living thing experience decay at a greatly accelerated rate. However, in order to do so, Ozymandias must delay the natural decaying of another thing on Earth.

Occupation: King of the Great Fallowlands, his country located within an ancient desert

Backstory: Ozymandias was born a fatherless slave in the Great Fallowlands, a mere human boy who submitted to the whims of the dictatorial King Algario. He lived in the same age of conquest that Chinatsu was growing up in, and so, Ozymandias found himself working in the sweltering sun to create various military fortifications.

As a slaving child, Ozymandias was often kicked and looked down upon by Algario's soldiers. He looked frail and weak, but that was an obvious drawback of being fed scraps everyday by the king's men. That gave him the motivation to become more powerful and to overcome the oppressive nature of Algario's men. However, little did Ozymandias know that his aspirations to prove his own capabilities would turn into greed.

One day, while working on building a large wall separating the Great Fallowlands from a savanna, Ozymandias accidentally fell into a sandy ditch. That ditch turned out to reveal part of a cave, and when sunset arrived later on, Ozymandias returned to the ditch to dig it out and explore the cavern that was revealed. There, he found a stone dagger with a glowing emerald bejeweling it. Although he didn't know it at the time, Ozymandias found the enchanted dagger used by the founder of the Great Fallowlands' kingdom, a mystical sage.

Simply due to the allure of shiny things, Ozymandias attempted to take out the gemstone; as a result, he had his hand sliced open by the blade. Right then, the power that was contained within the gemstone—the ability to draw energy from the decay of Earth's matter—was transferred to the boy through the open wound. Feeling such power surge through him, Ozymandias fearfully went out of the cave. He thought that the dagger was making him sick in some way, but that belief was dispersed shortly.

The next day, Ozymandias had to collect some reeds by the nearby river to create a scaffolding for the wall. Touching the reeds there, he quickly made them rot into blackish dust. He eventually realized that the dagger gave him the ability to control natural decay. With some secretive experimentation on the reeds throughout the years of having the wall built, Ozymandias became more knowledgeable about his abilities. His body also became stronger, enhanced by both his power and by the years of toiling to create buildings.

While being sent to the palace of the king to do repairs, Ozymandias created a plot to overthrow Algario as a form of revenge for his mistreatment as a child. As a bonus, he found that he could have also taken his position. Using some well-placed bolts of his mystical energy, the man made Algario and his followers rot... literally. Seizing control of the Great Fallowlands' throne, Ozymandias had a choice to let the slaves free or keep them under his hand. Quickly finding how comfortable it was to hold onto the riches and status of his position, he chose the latter option.

Now, in that same era of conquest, Ozymandias stands as a ruler both feared by his enemies and his own people. They know that, if he so chooses, any one of them could fade into the dust that accompanies death. Ozymandias has brought his aging mother into the royal palace and is nursing her to her dying day. In fact, to prevent her from "rotting" away into an eternal slumber, the man personally executes political prisoners and high-level criminals with his power; he draws the "energy of decay" from his mother and puts it into his victims.

Unlike Algario, Ozymandias values the development of the Great Fallowlands amiddst his interpersonal affairs. He recognizes his slave history and commends those who work hard in his presence. He is the commanding type, but he is not above doing dirty work.

Only one question remains concerning this "Prince of Dust," a metaphorical herald of death: how long will it take until he himself rots away?

Other: The royal hound of the palace, a dark-skinned dog by the name of Bast, frequently follows Ozymandias like a bodyguard. The hound remains extremely obedient to any orders that the king gives.

Scenario 1:

You were a lowly slave in the Great Fallowlands, having known Ozymandias to be your ruler for quite some time. It was the harvest season, and in commemoration of the work that had to be done with crops, the king was bound by tradition to choose a new servant for the palace. Glancing over the many people that were present at the decision-making ceremony, Ozymandias's eyes flashed over with yours. "You, there! Come forth and bow before your master."


Scenario 2:

Make it up! You could create a custom scenario set in the time of Ozymandias's rule. If, however, you want to somehow bring Ozymandias into the modern world, we might need to discuss some ideas.

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